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Hack Education Weekly News


Education Politics

The Republican Presidential candidates had their first debate this week, and education was actually a topic. “Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio get in a fight about Common Core,” Vox’s Libby Nelson reports.

Via The Washington Post: “analysis, done by the Center for Media and Democracy, a nonprofit liberal watchdog and advocacy agency based in Wisconsin that tracks corporate influence on public policy, says that four companies – Pearson Education, ETS (Educational Testing Service), Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, and McGraw-Hill – collectively spent more than $20 million lobbying in states and on Capitol Hill from 2009 to 2014.”

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is reportedly investigating Citigroup’s student loan practices.

Education in the Courts

The ACLU has filed a lawsuit in Kentucky, highlighting the use of restraints in school and releasing a video of an 8 year old boy crying as a school police office handcuffs his arms behind his back. The ACLU claims that the schools’ practice of shackling students (this boy and a girl, age 9) violated the ADA. More via The Guardian and the AP.

A federal judge ruled against the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, which had sought dismissal of the lawsuit brought against it by Steven Salaita, a tenured professor fired for tweets criticizing Israel. More via The Chronicle of Higher Education.

“A civil lawsuit filed against the University of Oregon by a student who said she had been raped by three basketball players has been settled, the university announced on Tuesday. According to the settlement agreement, the woman, who remains unnamed, and her lawyers will be paid $800,000. She will also have her tuition, housing, and student fees waived for four more years,” The Chronicle of Higher Education says. There are still concerns that the university violated her privacy by accessing her counseling records, something that is apparently not illegal.

“Northwest Christian University in Eugene faces a $650,000 lawsuit filed by an assistant professor who alleges that she was fired two weeks ago for becoming pregnant out of wedlock,” The Register Guard reports.

Via CBS Detroit: “A teenager who was locked up for nearly 40 days in a dispute over a snowball has filed a lawsuit against the Detroit school district after a judge dismissed the criminal case.”

Testing, Testing…

Pearson is shaving $1 million off its contract with the state of Minnesota because of glitches in the online testing system.


How Nanodegrees Are Disrupting Higher Education.” LOL.

Coursera is renaming its verified certificates “Course Certificates.”

Why Employers Are Joining Coursera's Global Skills Initiative.”

FutureLearn adds new partners: Complutense University, Durham University, University of Manchester, Keio University, and the University of New South Wales.

Via Justin Reich: “Practical Guidance from MOOC Research: Learning Beyond the Platform.”

Meanwhile on Campus

Via The Chronicle of Higher Education: “Christina E. Whitfield, vice chancellor for research and analysis at the Kentucky Community and Technical College System, … has designed a ‘social-utility index’ to calculate the social good of degree programs that lead to low-paying jobs that may nevertheless be important to communities.”

The University of Akron is “drawing scrutiny,” says Inside Higher Ed, for hiring a startup for $840,000 to provide “success coaches” while at the same time eliminating “dozens of jobs” from its student success department.

The University of Michigan’s North Campus was “terrorized” by a turkey.

Go, School Sports Team!

“One day before a district court ruling was to go into effect that would force the NCAA to allow colleges to pay student-athletes $5,000 per year, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has placed a stay on that order,” says NPR.

Via Inside Higher Ed: “Vanderbilt University’s football program tweeted an image Thursday declaring that its players ‘don’t need your permission,’ prompting a backlash on Twitter. Earlier this year two Vanderbilt football players were found guilty of gang-raping another student. The trial was later ruled a mistrial on a technicality, and the case will go to trial again at a later date. ‘We are relentless, tough and intelligent, and …’ the since-deleted tweeted read, followed by an image that stated, ‘we don’t need your permission.’”

Youth Basketball Team Disqualified From Tournament For Having A Girl On The Roster.”

From the HR Department

Following news that Steven Salaita’s lawsuit against the university could move forward, UI chancellor Phyllis Wise announced her resignation.

PBS NewsHour’s education reporter John Merrow is retiring.

Via Inside Higher Ed: “Bergen Community College has eliminated the positions of 64 full-time lecturers, who taught full course loads off the tenure track, NorthJerey.com reported. Those who lost their full-time positions are being asked to apply for course-by-course adjunct posts, for which the pay per course is lower. The individual course positions, unlike the full-time lecturer jobs, have no benefits.”

Upgrades and Downgrades

Mitch Kapor and Freada Klein announced $40 million in funding for diversity initiatives to “fix the leaky tech pipeline.”

Meanwhile, the Ada Initiative, a non-profit aimed at improving diversity in tech, is shutting down.

Second Life’s original inventor Philip Rosedale says “he and his team are big believers that kids will one day go to school through a VR headset.” More on the promise of “The Metaverse” here.

Via Inside Higher Ed: The language of learning analytics, as decreed by the LMS vendors. “Blackboard, Instructure and the more than 320 other vendors and universities that make up the IMS Global Learning Consortium have for years been working to agree on which words go into that vocabulary, and their work is finally nearing its version 1.0 release. Known as Caliper, the vocabulary – called metric profiles – and the mechanisms to detect the words in it – sensors – will serve as a framework for tracking and reporting learning analytics.”

Google announced the 20 finalists for its latest science fair.

Khan Academy has announced the winners of its talent search.

Chegg plans to launch a test prep service.

Versal is launching a new site to allow teachers to share lesson plans and other materials.

Sphero is marketing one of its programmable robots to education. According to EduKwest, “The robot is called SPRK and comes with a series of apps and lessons that aim to teach coding and spark interest in science.”

I imagine this is a growing trend: private loans – “with interest rates from 6% to 20% APR” – for coding bootcamp enrollees.

Speaking of loans: “Facebook patents technology to help lenders discriminate against borrowers based on social connections.” Imagine the ed-tech possibilities!

Education news site notes that there are lots of education news sites.

Funding and Acquisitions

Panorama Education, a startup that helps schools administer surveys, has raised $12 million from Owl Ventures and Spark Capital. The company has raised $16 million total.

AdmitSee has raised $1.5 million in seed funding from The Social+Capital Partnership, ImagineK12, and FOUNDER.org. The startup “offers a marketplace where verified college students can share and sell their application materials.” Sounds legit.

LearnTrials, which rates ed-tech products, has raised $800,000 from Edovate Capital, Inception Mirco Angel Fund, Jean Hammond, Gregg Burt, and Walt Winshall.

Merger and IPO glee: “Why Edtech Exits Will Defy Historical Trends” from Edsurge. “Education Sector Hot for Merger, Acquisition Deals, Investment Banker Says,” says Education Week. “Following the Money in Ed-Tech Investment: Number of Mergers Grows,” via The Chronicle of Higher Education.

No buyer yet for Blackboard, but the speculation continues. Blackboard suffers from messaging problems according to Mindwire Consulting’s Michael Feldstein and a far worse problem, IMHO, “complexity problems” according to former Bb employee George Kroner.

In other speculation news, now that it’s officially its own company, “Barnes & Noble Education to Consider Digital Takeovers.”

Quarterly financials were reported this week from 2U (whose revenue is up), Bridgepoint Education (which posted a net loss), and ITT (which admitted to precipitously declining enrollments, prompting its stock to fall 40%).

Via CB Insights: “Who’s Who In Ed Tech? Top Investors And Their Board Seats.”

Data, Privacy, and Surveillance

Two school districts are adopting bodycams, THE Journal reports.

The University of Connecticut reported a “criminal cyberintrusion” of its engineering college, blaming Chinese hackers.

Windows 10 defaults to keylogging, harvesting browser history, purchases, and covert listening.”

Sorry, the way you type is exposing your identity online even if you're browsing anonymously.”

Data and “Research”

The latest report from the Pew Research Center: “Teens, Technology and Friendships.”

A study of 10,000 by TNTP“found that professional development – the teacher workshops and training that cost taxpayers billions of dollars each year – is largely a waste.”

According to a report by MDR, schools’ instructional spending went up 9% in the 2013–2014 school year. “Remarkable,” says Edsurge.

PE teachers biased against fat kids, study finds.”

More made-up data from ed-tech companies: “IBM’s Misleading or Just Incorrect National Ad on Student Retention” by MindWire Consulting’s Phil Hill.

From the Future of Privacy Forum (a think tank supported by companies like true friends of privacy AT&T, Facebook, and Google): “De-Identification and Student Data” (PDF).

The Gartner Hype Cycle for Education, 2015 edition.

Teaching Machines and Turing Machines: The History of the Future of Labor and Learning


This talk was delivered today at the Digital Pedagogy Lab Summer Institute at UW Madison

Thank you very much for inviting me here today. Once upon a time, as a graduate student, I imagined the University of Wisconsin Madison to be “a dream job.” And so I chuckle that it likely took me dropping out of a PhD program to end up here, speaking to you today. But I’d be remiss if I didn’t touch on the anger I feel at the attempts to decimate the University of Wisconsin system, not simply because attacks on tenure and academic freedom crush any semblance of “a dream job,” but because I feel across the board, academia hasn’t really responded to questions of labor and learning – not really, not well – and now other forces – not just the political forces of education reform or Scott Walker, but the political forces of Silicon Valley and venture capital too want to reshape systems to their own ideological and financial needs. The losers will be labor and learning.

With that in mind, I’ve changed the title of my talk slightly…

In 1913, Thomas Edison predicted that “Books will soon be obsolete in schools.” He wasn’t the only person at the time imagining how emergent technologies might change education. Columbia University educational psychology professor Edward Thorndike – behaviorist and creator of the multiple choice test – also imagined “what if” printed books would be replaced. He said in 1912 that

If, by a miracle of mechanical ingenuity, a book could be so arranged that only to him who had done what was directed on page one would page two become visible, and so on, much that now requires personal instruction could be managed by print.

Edison expanded on his prediction a decade later: “I believe that the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and that in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks.” “I should say,” he continued, “that on the average we get about two percent efficiency out of schoolbooks as they are written today. The education of the future, as I see it, will be conducted through the medium of the motion picture… where it should be possible to obtain one hundred percent efficiency.”

What’s interesting to me about these quotations isn’t that Edison or Thorndike got it wrong. Thorndike’s remarks sound an awful lot like Neal Stephenson’s science fiction novel The Diamond Age; and indeed they’re fairly prescient of what ed-tech marketers now call “adaptive textbooks.” (That education today looks like Thorndike’s vision shouldn’t be a surprise considering, as historian Ellen Lagemann and others have described the history of US education, “Edward Thorndike won and John Dewey lost.”)

History is full of faulty proclamations about the future of education and technology. (No doubt, Silicon Valley and education reformers continue to churn out these predictions – many prophesying doom for universities, many actively working to bring that doom about.)

What’s striking about these early 20th century predictions is that Thorndike set the tone, over one hundred years ago, for machines taking over instruction. And while he was wrong about films replacing textbooks, Edison was largely right that the arguments in support of education technology, of instructional technology would frequently be made in terms of “efficiency.” Much of the history of education technology, indeed the history of education itself, in the twentieth century onward involves this push for “efficiency.” To replace, to supplant – to move from textbooks to film or from chalkboards to interactive whiteboards or from face-to-face lecture halls to MOOCs or from human teachers to robots – comes in the name of “progress,” where progress demands “efficiency.”

Of course, “efficiency” is the language of business. We – and I use that plural first person pronoun quite loosely here – want education to be faster, cheaper, and less wasteful. As such, we want the system to be measurable, more managed, and in turn, increasingly mechanized. We want education to run more like a business; we want education to run more like a machine.

I use the verb “mechanized” and not “computerized” or “digitized” deliberately – even though, here we are at a Digital Pedagogy Lab – because I want us to think about the history of education technology and, more broadly, about technology itself. This pressure to mechanize isn’t something new, even if “to digitize” is a new way of doing it; as Edison and Thorndike’s quotations remind us, ed-tech predates the iPad, the Internet, the personal computer. We get so caught up, however, in the perceived novelty of the technology; we are so enthralled by its marketing – always “new and improved”; we are so willing to buy into obsolescence – “buy” being the operative behavior; we’re so hopeful about upgrades that we rarely look at the practices that technology does not change, those that it changes for the worse, those that it re-inscribes, and how all of these reflect the demands of politics and power much more often than they reflect progressive pedagogical concerns or teachers’ or learners’ needs.

I want to talk to you today about the history and the future of teaching machines. I want to talk about teaching machines and teaching labor, specifically the belief that machines are necessary because they are efficient, labor-saving. Here at the University of Wisconsin, these questions are all the more imperative: what labor, whose labor is saved, is replaced in this, an age of economic precarity, adjunct-ification, anti-unionism, automation? What is the role of education technology in pedagogy, in scholarly labor, in the labor of learning and of love? And again, whose labor is saved, and whose is replaced?

Many people insist that technology will not replace teachers; indeed they doth protest too much methinks. Often, they re-state what science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke pronounced: that if a teacher can be replaced by a machine, she or he should be. That’s an awfully slippery slope. “Can be replaced” gives politicians and investors and entrepreneurs and administrators a lot of room to maneuver, to re-inscribe or redefine what teaching – by humans or machines – should look like. “Can be replaced” is not a solid place to launch a resistance to machines; it acquiesces to machines – to the ideology of labor-saving devices – from the outset.

Much like the flawed predictions about what education technology will “revolutionize,” the pronouncements about replacing teachers (or not) with machines are also quite old, made by the earliest of educational psychologists, a legacy we can trace back again to Edward Thorndike and the earliest of teaching machines. People have been working to replace, streamline, render more efficient education labor with machines for a century.

Ohio State University professor Sidney Pressey, for example, said in 1933 that

There must be an ‘industrial revolution’ in education, in which educational science and the ingenuity of educational technology combine to modernize the grossly inefficient and clumsy procedures of conventional education. Work in the schools of the future will be marvelously though simply organized, so as to adjust almost automatically to individual differences and the characteristics of the learning process. There will be many labor-saving schemes and devices, and even machines – not at all for the mechanizing of education, but for the freeing of teacher and pupil from educational drudgery and incompetence.

Oh not replace you, teacher. Replace just some your labor, the bits of it we’ve deemed repetitive, menial, unimportant, and let’s be honest, those bits that are too radical. Not stop students from having to do menial tasks, oh no. Replace the efforts where you, teacher, have been labeled incompetent. Replace not so as to enable a more just and progressive education through technology, but rather to hard-code some high standards of instruction.

As Harvard psychology professor (and the name most readily associated with teaching machines) B. F. Skinner wrote in the 1950s:

Will machines replace teachers? On the contrary, they are capital equipment to be used by teachers to save time and labor. In assigning certain mechanizable functions to machines, the teacher emerges in his proper role as an indispensable human being. He may teach more students than heretofore – that is probably inevitable if the worldwide demand for education is to be satisfied – but he will do so in fewer hours and with fewer burdensome chores. In return for his greater productivity he can ask society to improve his economic condition.

Greater productivity. Larger classes. Global demand met through mechanization. Sound familiar?

Skinner said elsewhere, “There is no reason why the schoolroom should be any less mechanized than, for example, the kitchen.” Ah, the very gendered nature of post-War gadgetry that promised to automate and alleviate the drudgery of “women’s work.” (Women of a certain class, of course. And tasks of a certain kind.)

Keep this in mind: how robots taking over our jobs might be gendered.

The mid–1950s also marked the founding of a new field of research, artificial intelligence, that promised us better machines – not just more efficient machines, but smarter machines. And once again, sweeping predictions were made: Carnegie Mellon professor Herbert Simon then boasted that “machines will be capable, within twenty years, of doing any work a man can do,” (note: a man’s work) and MIT professor Marvin Minsky said “within a generation … the problem of creating ‘artificial intelligence’ will substantially be solved.”

As with Edison, we can chuckle at the foolish bravado of these forecasts; but I think we err to simply laugh off the miscalculations of early AI, because they reveal a great deal about what people want to see come to pass. Then and now. Indeed, we find ourselves again – this happens every decade or so it seems – in the midst of a hype cycle full of promises of smart machines and artificial intelligence and frenzied speculation about the impact they will have on the future of work.

“We are entering a new phase in world history – one in which fewer and fewer workers will be needed to produce the goods and services for the global population,” write Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee in their book Race Against the Machine. “Before the end of this century,” says Wired Magazine’s Kevin Kelly, ”70 percent of today’s occupations will … be replaced by automation.“ The Economist offers a more rapid timeline: ”Nearly half of American jobs could be automated in a decade or two,“ it contends. Predictably contrarian, Vox’s Matt Iglesias laments that ”Robots aren’t taking your jobs – and that’s the problem.“ ”Be terrified," he cautions, that robots aren’t replacing you. Humans are just not productive enough. We’re not efficient enough.

The rise of the machines we are told, as all predictions purport to be, whether religious, secular, or scientific, is inevitable. It is, to echo the title of Kevin Kelly’s book, “what technology wants.” And there in that title we can see a convenient erasure of the machinations of investors or entrepreneurs or engineers, an ignorance of ideology; instead in that framing the machines have the agency – agency and will to which the rest of us should bend.

What will happen when robots replace us looks quite different depending on who is telling the story. And in some ways replacing us is, from their earliest origins, what robots have always been conceptualized to do.

In 1920, the playwright Karel Čapek coined the term “robot” for his play Rossum’s Universal Robots or R.U.R. The word comes from the Czech roboti which meant “serf labor.” “Drudgery,” another translation offers. Or, according to Wikipedia, “the amount of hours a serf owed his master in a given day.”

The robots in Čapek’s play aren’t the metallic machines that the word likely conjures for us today. They’re more biological, assembled out of a protoplasm-like substance.

In the play’s first act, a young woman named Helena, daughter of an industry mogul, comes to the island factory where the robots are built. She’s there as part of the League of Humanity, there to argue that the robots have souls and that they should be freed. The robots, which work faster and cheaper than humans (actually, the robots aren’t paid at all), have quickly taken over almost all aspects of work. They remember everything, but they do not like anything. “They make great university professors,” says Harry Domin, the general manager of the robot factory.

As the play progresses, as robots dominate all aspects of the economy, the human birth rate falls. The robots stage a rebellion, a global rebellion as, unlike humans, robots share a universal language and recognize the universality of their labor struggles. Hoping to stop the economic and political crisis, Helena burns the formula for building robots. The robots kill all the humans, save one man in the factory who still works with his hands.

But then the robots discover that without the formula that Helena has destroyed, they cannot re-produce. “The machines are turning out nothing but bloody chunks of meat.”

Čapek’s play was translated into over thirty languages and performed all over the world. The success of the play occurred no doubt as, in the 1920s, it struck a nerve – fears of automation, industrialization, war, revolution. The play demands the audience consider what is happening to our humanity as a result of these forces.

Indeed that’s the question that robots always seem to raise: what is happening to our humanity? As we mechanize and now digitize the world around us, what happens to our labor, our love, our soul? Are we poised to find ourselves exterminated like the humans in Rossum’s Universal Robots, or like the robots themselves, will we reduced to “bloody chunks of meat”?

We see headline after headline lately about the coming age of AI, but as Čapek’s work suggests, this has been an ongoing threat – psychological, I would argue, ideological as much as technological.

No doubt, we have seen a major impact on employment due to machines – computers, photocopiers, telephones, ATMs, online commerce. And in the last few decades, the US economy has lost millions of manufacturing jobs – although in fairness, the connection to automation here is likely one of correlation not simply causation. But robots offer a simple explanation: human labor was not sufficiently efficient. Robots increase productivity.

At the same time as the drop in manufacturing, the US economy has seen an explosion in jobs in the service sector, which now amounts to 84% of employment in the country. Although the service sector does include doctors and lawyers and university professors, it is mostly comprised of low-wage workers. Since 2010, the top five fastest growing occupations have been in the service sector, and four of these jobs have a median wage of $21,000 a year or less.

Coincidentally I’m sure, workers today are less organized than they were at the height of manufacturing (and in the US, of course, union members were never close to the majority of the workforce). In 2014, the percentage of workers in unions was 11.1%, down from 20.1% in 1983. Workers in education, as I’m sure this audience knows, now have the highest unionization rate of any profession in the US – 35.3% are union members; the rate of unionization of public sector workers in general, 35.7%. The largest union in the US: the National Education Association. The target of many recent education reforms, backed strongly by many in the technology industry: unions. Something is coming to take unionized teaching jobs: robots or otherwise.

Generally speaking, as employment has moved from manufacturing to service, work has become contingent, “casualized,” “adjunctified.” It has become femininized.

We can see the feminization of teaching labor is, as Dana Goldstein underscores in her recent history of the teaching profession Teacher Wars, deeply intertwined with a hope for a placated labor force, one with a missionary zeal that is angelic and loving in its demand for discipline from students – behaviorally, intellectually – but that makes few demands from administrators for things like equal pay, job stability, or academic freedom.

In all things, all tasks, all jobs, women are expected to perform affective labor – caring, listening, smiling, reassuring, comforting, supporting. This work is not valued; often it is unpaid. But affective labor has become a core part of the teaching profession – even though it is, no doubt, “inefficient.” It is what we expect – stereotypically, perhaps – teachers to do. (We can debate, I think, if it’s what we reward professors for doing. We can interrogate too whether all students receive care and support; some get “no excuses,” depending on race and class.)

What happens to affective teaching labor when it runs up against robots, against automation? Even the tasks that education technology purports to now be able to automate – teaching, testing, grading – are shot through with emotion when done by humans, or at least when done by a person who’s supposed to have a caring, supportive relationship with their students. Grading essays isn’t necessarily burdensome because it’s menial, for example; grading essays is burdensome because it is affective labor; it is emotionally and intellectually exhausting.

This is part of our conundrum: teaching labor is affective not simply intellectual. Affective labor is not valued. Intellectual labor is valued in research. At both the K12 and college level, teaching of content is often seen as menial, routine, and as such replaceable by machine. Intelligent machines will soon handle the task of cultivating human intellect, or so we’re told.

Of course, we should ask what happens when we remove care from education – this is a question about labor and learning. What happens to thinking and writing when robots grade students’ essays, for example. What happens when testing is standardized, automated? What happens when the whole educational process is offloaded to the machines – to “intelligent tutoring systems,” “adaptive learning systems,” or whatever the latest description may be? What sorts of signals are we sending students?

And what sorts of signals are the machines gathering in turn? What are they learning to do?

Often, of course, we do not know the answer to those last two questions, as the code and the algorithms in education technologies (most technologies, truth be told) are hidden from us. We are becoming as law professor Frank Pasquale argues a “black box society.” And the irony is hardly lost on me that one of the promises of massive collection of student data under the guise of education technology and learning analytics is to crack open the “black box” of the human brain.

We still know so little about how the brain works, and yet, we’ve adopted a number of metaphors from our understanding of that organ to explain how computers operate: memory, language, intelligence. Of course, our notion of intelligence – its measurability – has its own history, one wrapped up in eugenics and, of course, testing (and teaching) machines. Machines now both frame and are framed by this question of intelligence, with little reflection on the intellectual and ideological baggage that we carry forward and hard-code into them.

“Can a machine think?” Alan Turing famously asked in 1950. But rather than answer that question, Turing proposed “the imitation game,” something we’ve come to know since as the Turing Test. Contrary to popular belief, the test as conceived by Turing isn’t really about a machine that can pass based on “thinking.” Rather, Turing’s original contrivance was based on a parlor game – a gendered parlor game involving three people: a man, a woman, and an interrogator.

The game is played as follows: the interrogator cannot see the man or woman but asks them questions in order to identify their sex. The man and woman respond via typewritten answers. The goal of the man is to fool the interrogator. Turing’s twist: replace the man with a machine. “Will the interrogator decide wrongly as often when the game is played like this as he does when the game is played between a man and a woman?”

The question is therefore not “can a machine think?” but “can a machine fool someone into thinking it is a woman?”

What we know today as the Turing Test is not nearly as fascinating or as fraught – I mean, what does it imply that the bar for intelligent machinery is, for Turing, to be better at pretending to be a woman than a man is? What would it mean for a machine to win that imitation game? What would it mean for a machine to fool us into thinking, for example, that it could perform affective labor not just computational tasks?

Today, the Turing Test is often just a marketing ploy. The Loebner Prize, an annual competition based on the Turing Test for example, asks entrants to create a chat-bot that can fool the judges after a 5 minute conversation into thinking it, and not another human interlocutor, is the human. “The most human chat-bot” is awarded a prize, as is, in an award that should give us all pause as we move into a more mechanized future, one for “the most human human.”

Turing, for his part, was not seen as fully human because he was gay. Homosexuality was, at the time, against the law in Britain, and Turing was charged with gross indecency in 1952. He was convicted, opting for hormonal “treatment” rather than imprisonment. He committed suicide in 1954.

Identity. Performance. Deception. Passing. Secrets. Labor. Algorithms. These are Turing’s legacy, deeply embedded into the code-breaking, computing machine. We carry these forward into today’s education technologies.

Turing died before the term “artificial intelligence” was coined, but we can see his influence in particular in two areas in which AI has been developed, performed, and judged: chess and the chat-bot.

Turing wrote by hand an algorithm – pre-computer – for one of the very first computer programs in which a machine could play chess against a human. This was a predecessor for IBM’s Deep Blue which famously defeated chess champion Garry Kasparov in 1996. That research in turn was the predecessor for IBM’s Watson which defeated Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings on the TV game show Jeopardy in 2011. Men versus machine. It’s a tangent to a discussion about the future of teaching and learning and labor, you might think – except that these reflect what we think of as “smart.” Performances of “smartness” matter to education. Moreover, IBM is now exploring using Watson in schools, specifically to teach teachers. “The classroom will learn you,” the IBM website about the program boasts, perhaps unaware that it’s echoing the speech pattern of a well-known meme: “In Soviet Russia….”

Aspirations for IBM Watson in teacher training aside, it’s the development of chat-bots that has long been most closely associated with AI, modeled in part on what we expect AI to do to pass the Turing Test.

One of the earliest and best known chat-bots was developed by MIT computer scientist Joseph Weizenbaum in the mid–1960s. Its name: ELIZA – yes, named after Eliza Doolittle in a working-class character in George Bernard Shaw’s play Pygmalion, who is taught to speak with an upper-class accent so she can “pass.”

ELIZA ran a “doctor” script, simulating a Rogerian psychiatrist. “Hello,” you might type. “Hi,” ELIZA responds. “What is your problem?” “I’m angry,” you type. Or perhaps “I’m sad.” “I am sorry to hear you are sad,” ELIZA says. “My dad died,” you continue. “Tell me more about your family,” ELIZA answers. The script always eventually asks about family, no matter what you type. It’s been programmed to do so. That is, ELIZA was programmed to analyze the input for key words and to respond with a number of canned phrases, that contained therapeutical language of care and support – a performance of “smart,” I suppose, but more importantly a performance of “care.”

Weizenbaum’s students knew the program did not actually care. Yet they still were eager to chat with it and to divulge personal information to it. Weizenbaum became incredibly frustrated by the ease with which this simple program could deceive people. When he introduced ELIZA to the non-technical staff at MIT, according to one story at least, they treated the program as a “real” therapist. When he told a secretary that he had access to the chat logs, she was furious that Weizenbaum would violate her privacy – doctor-patient confidentiality – by reading them. Weizenbaum eventually became one of the leading critics of artificial intelligence, cautioning about the implications of AI research and arguing that no matter the claims that AI would make about powerful thinking machines, computers would never be caring machines. Computers would never have compassion.

And yet that doesn’t seem to matter. In some ways, we believe – we want to believe – that they are.

Many chat-bots were developed in the late twentieth century for use in education. These are often referred to as “pedagogical agents,” – agents, not teachers – programs that were part of early intelligent tutoring systems and that, like ELIZA, were designed to respond helpfully, encouragingly when a student stumbled. The effectiveness of these chat-bots is debated in the research (what do we even mean by “effectiveness”), and there is little understanding in how students respond to these programs, particularly when it comes to vulnerability and trust, such core elements of learning.

Are chat-bots sophisticated enough to pass some sort of pedagogical Turing Test? (Is that test, like Turing’s imitation game, fundamentally gendered?) Or rather is it, as I fear, that we’ve decided we just don’t care. We do not care that the machines do not really care for students; indeed, perhaps education, particularly at the university level, has never really cared about caring at all. Students do not care that the machines do not really care because they do not expect to be cared for by their teachers. “We expect more from technology and less from each other,” as Sherry Turkle has observed. Caring labor is a vulnerability, a political liability, a weakness, not an efficiency.

So what does it mean then if we offload affective labor – the substantive and the performative – to technology, to ed-tech? It might seem counterintuitive that we’d do so. After all, we’re often reassured that computers will never be able to do that sort of work. They’re better at repetitive, menial tasks, we’re told – at physical labor. “Men’s work.” “The Age of the Robot Worker Will Be Worse for Men,” The Atlantic recently argued.

And yet at the same time, we seem so happy to bear our souls, trust our secrets, be vulnerable with and to and by computers. What does that mean for teaching and learning? What does it mean for the work educators do – work that is, as it has been for centuries, under attack – insufficient and inefficient.

We’re told by some automation proponents that instead of a future of work, we will find ourselves with a future of leisure. Once the robots replace us, we will have immense personal freedom, so they say – the freedom to pursue “unproductive” tasks, the freedom to do nothing at all even, except I imagine, to continue to buy things.

On one hand that means that we must address questions of unemployment. What will we do without work? How will we make ends meet? How will this affect identity, intellectual development?

Yet despite predictions about the end of work, we are all working more. As games theorist Ian Bogost and others have observed, we seem to be in a period of hyper-employment, where we find ourselves not only working numerous jobs, but working all the time on and for technology platforms. There is no escaping email, no escaping social media. Professionally, personally – no matter what you say in your Twitter bio that your Tweets do not represent the opinions of your employer – we are always working. Computers and AI do not (yet) mark the end of work. Indeed, they may mark the opposite: we are overworked by and for machines (for, to be clear, their corporate owners).

Often, we volunteer to do this work. We are not paid for our status updates on Twitter. We are not compensated for our check-in’s in Foursquare. We don’t get kick-backs for leaving a review on Yelp. We don’t get royalties from our photos on Flickr.

We ask our students to do this volunteer labor too. They are not compensated for the data and content that they generate that is used in turn to feed the algorithms that run TurnItIn, Blackboard, Knewton, Pearson, Google, and the like. Free labor fuels our technologies: Forum moderation on Reddit – done by volunteers. Translation of the courses on Coursera and of the videos on Khan Academy – done by volunteers. The content on pretty much every “Web 2.0” platform – done by volunteers.

We are working all the time; we are working for free.

It’s being framed, as of late, as the “gig economy,” the “freelance economy,” the “sharing economy” – but mostly it’s the service economy that now comes with an app and that’s creeping into our personal not just professional lives thanks to billions of dollars in venture capital. Work is still precarious. It is low-prestige. It remains unpaid or underpaid. It is short-term. It is feminized.

We all do affective labor now, cultivating and caring for our networks. We respond to the machines, the latest version of ELIZA, typing and chatting away hoping that someone or something responds, that someone or something cares. It’s a performance of care, disguising what is the extraction of our personal data.

A year ago, in the midst of frustration about freelancing and data collection and digital hyperemployment, I wrote an article called “Maggie’s Digital Content Farm.” I borrowed from Bob Dylan’s song, which he’d in turn borrowed from the Bentley Brother's 1929 recording of “Down on Penny's Farm,” which criticized rural landlords who systematically exploited their day-laborers. I felt as though that’s what we’d become, working away on someone else’s space – someone else’s digital land – for a boss that disrespected us, lied to us, extracted value from us, handed us over to the law enforcement if we appeared to have become radicalized.

Dylan’s performance of “Maggie’s Farm” at the Newport Folk Festival in 1965 was, of course, part of his controversial electric set. He plugged in to boos and hisses from the crowd. I asked in my article “Maggie’s Digital Content Farm” if it was time for us to unplug, to refuse to labor on the digital content farms and certainly not to conscript our students to labor there for us and with us.

But I think this refusal cannot simply be one of us, two of us, a handful of us individually unplugging. We have to strike en masse. We have to embrace our radical inefficiencies. We have to re-discover our collectivity in an age that is luring us with an ideology of individualism. We have to tell different stories about what the robots will do.

We are told that the future of machines – teaching machines and intelligent machines – will be personalized. That is the original promise, if we think back to Edward Thorndike in 1912:

If, by a miracle of mechanical ingenuity, a book could be so arranged that only to him who had done what was directed on page one would page two become visible, and so on, much that now requires personal instruction could be managed by print.

Personalization. Automation. Management. The algorithms will be crafted, based on our data, ostensibly to suit us individually, more likely to suit power structures in turn that are increasingly opaque.

Programmatically, the world’s interfaces will be crafted for each of us, individually, alone. As such, I fear, we will lose our capacity to experience collectivity and resist together. I do not know what the future of unions looks like – pretty grim, I fear; but I do know that we must enhance collective action in order to resist a future of technological exploitation, dehumanization, and economic precarity. We must fight at the level of infrastructure – political infrastructure, social infrastructure, and yes technical infrastructure.

It isn’t simply that we need to resist “robots taking our jobs,” but we need to challenge the ideologies, the systems that loath collectivity, care, and creativity, and that champion some sort of Randian individual. And I think the three strands at this event – networks, identity, and praxis – can and should be leveraged to precisely those ends.

A future of teaching humans not teaching machines depends on how we respond, how we design a critical ethos for ed-tech, one that recognizes, for example, the very gendered questions at the heart of the Turing Machine’s imagined capabilities, a parlor game that tricks us into believing that machines can actually love, learn, or care.

Hack Education Weekly News


Education Politics

“Does Online Ed Lack ‘Integrity’?” asks Inside Higher Ed, responding to a line suggesting such in Hillary Clinton’s higher ed plan. Clinton also exaggerated the student loan crisis, says “experts.” “Hillary Clinton’s student debt video misses the biggest problem with paying for college,” according to Vox’s Libby Nelson.

Lawrence Lessig’s Presidential Bid.”

California Governor Jerry Brown signed legislation that would allow children of nannies and nannies and other live-in workers to attend schools in the districts where their parents work.

California’s attorney general is investigating the University of Phoenix for deceptive marketing practices aimed at veterans.

Whatever Happened to the Department's Competency-Based Education Experiments?” asks Amy Laitinen. (“We’re flooring the accelerator and the brake at the same time,” “Dean Dad” Matt Reed observes.)

Education in the Courts

Pearson, Cengage, and McGraw-Hill have filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against a company called Information Recyclers, accusing it of selling pirated textbooks.

Via The Guardian: “Lawyers representing Virginia Wesleyan College in Norfolk have filed a motion demanding the entire sexual history of a student who is suing the school after reporting being drugged and raped on her third day of freshman orientation.”

Via The New York Times: “A federal judge on Friday ruled that a new licensing exam for teachers given by New York State did not discriminate against minorities, saying that even though they tended to score poorly, the test evaluated skills necessary to do the job.”

Testing, Testing…

The New York Times reports that “20% of New York State Students Opted Out of Standardized Testing This Year.”

Via Education Week: “Nevada Hires Data Recognition Corp. as New Test Vendor.” And the Nevada Appeal says that the state has hired CTB/McGraw-Hill to run its tests.


MOOC development more expensive than many think.”

“Are Employers Key to the Success – and Relevance – of MOOCs?” asks Edsurge. Well, certainly that’s the new spin, one that I identified last year as the tech industry and politicians try to reframe the purpose of education as “job skills.”

“Five retired NBA players are receiving scholarships to attend Kaplan University and study online to earn certificates, bachelor’s or master’s degrees,” says Inside Higher Ed.

Meanwhile on Campus

The University of Illinois released some 1100 pages of emails pertaining to the hiring/firing last year of professor Steven Salaita. It turns out that Chancellor Phyllis Wise used her personal email account in order to – she hoped, eh – avoid scrutiny. “Email scandal plunges U. of Illinois into turmoil.” The university’s board of trustees voted to reject a deal in which Wise would receive $400,000 after resigning as chancellor. More legal battles to follow

And continuing its moves to be the terrifying “new American university,” Arizona State University becomes the first of the country’s ten largest public universities to not offer psychiatric services to students. Oh yeah, feel the disruptive innovation!

The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges has upheld its decision to terminate the accreditation for the City College of San Francisco.

Watch John Oliver Blast Subpar Sex Education in U.S. Schools.”

Go, School Sports Team!

Via The New York Times: “The University of Minnesota will begin an outside investigation of its athletic department and its former director, Norwood Teague, who resigned because of sexual harassment complaints, a school official said.”

From the HR Department

Minerva is expanding its faculty and administration.

Upgrades and Downgrades

“The letters of the day on ‘Sesame Street’ are H, B and O,” says The New York Times, reporting on the deal struck this week between the Sesame Workshop and HBO that would give the latter first-run episodes of the children’s television show. 9 months after premiering on HBO, Sesame Street episodes will be available on PBS. Another blow for ed-tech and equity.

“The team behind ClassOwl has found a new nest and the founders are looking for a new home for the school planning tool that they’ve built for students,” Edsurge reports. And another ed-tech startup – this one having raised $900,000– enters the dead pool.

Harvard student loses Facebook internship after pointing out privacy flaws.”

Google released an upgrade to its Course Builder tool.

Elsewhere in Google: the company restructures. Sundar Pichai will be the new CEO of Google. Google’s founders, Larry Page and Sergei Brin will run its new holding company, Alphabet.

Edsurge profiles Slate, the open source SIS created by Science Leadership Academy. Via Vice: “Why Google is Restructuring Now.”

Funding, IPOs, and Acquisitions

Via the San Jose Mercury News: “Zuckerberg education fund expands reach of $120 million grant to help Bay Area schools.”

Front Row Education has raised $5.3 million in funding from Amasia, Harrison Metal, and Baseline Ventures. The company, which makes math practice software, has raised $6.6 million total.

Quad Learning has raised $4.8 million in debt financing. The company, which helps students complete community college, has raised $25.8 million total.

Crescerance has raised an undisclosed amount of funding from BIP Capital.

News Corp plans to sell off its unprofitable and unpopular education unit, The New York Times reports: “News Corporation, controlled by Rupert Murdoch, said on Wednesday that it would take a $371 million write-down on the education division and would move to wind down the production of tablets for schoolchildren, a key part of the unit's offering.” More via The Wall Street Journal and Buzzfeed.

Pearson sells its stake in The Economist to the company’s other shareholders for about $730 million. Why? Edsurge notes that “After Selling Stake in The Economist Group, Pearson Now Has Extra $2 Billion for Education Efforts.” Wheee.

School financial software provider Blackbaud will acquire Smart Tuition for $190 million.

Blackboard has acquired Nivel Siete, a Latin American Moodle provider. Terms of the deal were not disclosed, although Blackboard used the press release to tout its commitment to open source. Side eye.

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has acquired the assets of MeeGenius, an e-book subscription service for kids 8 and under. The terms of the deal were not disclosed.

On the heels of news last week that John Merrow is retiring, Education Week has acquired his show Learning Matters, which run on PBS News Hour.

Reuters reports that TPG Capital is close to buying Ellucian for $3.5 billion. Among Ellucian’s products, the higher ed admin system Banner. (Eww.)

Reuters also reports that Instruction plans to IPO (which we all knew would happen soon, right?) and has hired Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley in order to prepare.

Via Buzzfeed’s Molly Hensley-Clancy: “Career Education Corporation's plan to transform its business was simple: stop providing career education. And so far, it seems to be working: in the first quarter of the company's ‘transformation plan,’ it beat analyst estimates, sending its stock shooting up more than 30% on Friday after results were announced.”

Data and “Research”

Via The Chronicle of Higher Education: “Researchers at the University of Wisconsin at Madison say they are getting closer to designing a system to deliver the ideal lesson plan for each student, through a process they call ‘machine teaching.’” LOL.

CNN cites a study that says “early elementary school years are getting significantly more homework than is recommended by education leaders, in some cases nearly three times as much homework as is recommended.” Others cite other studies.

“A Peek at a ‘Smart’ Classroom Powered by the Internet of Things,” via Edsurge, which looks at a study from the University of Belgrade about sensors in the lecture hall. “The researchers used sensors to measure different aspects of the classroom environment – including temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide levels – and attempted to link these factors to student focus.”

Campus Technology goes with the headline “Three-Quarters of Students Say More Tech Would Improve Their Learning” for its write-up of a survey sponsored by an e-learning platform.

Testing: Moving Beyond the Public Relations Battle


This post first appeared on Educating Modern Learners in May 2015

The debate about standardized testing has hit the mainstream. Or at least, it hit HBO last weekend, when John Oliver offered a segment on the topic on his comedy news show Last Week Tonight.

Oliver talked about the policies that mandate increasingly pervasive standardized testing in the US, along with the companies that profit from the mandate. He discussed too students' stressful reactions to them, noting that kids throw up during tests so often that there are instructions on what to do if a child vomits on a test booklet. "Something is wrong with our system when we just assume a certain number of kids will vomit," he said. "Tests are supposed to be assessments of skills, not a rap battle on 8 Mile Road."

Although it's far from an accurate count of how many people have seen the segment, the video has 2.8 million views on YouTube [note: three months later, it's now at 4.8 million views], and the reaction - at least according to YouTube's "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" metric - has been overwhelmingly positive.

No surprise, education industry giant Pearson was not amused at finding itself at the center of the Last Week Tonight bit. In Oliver's words, Pearson is "the educational equivalent of Time Warner Cable: Either you've never had an interaction with them and don't care, or they've ruined your f------g life."

The Washington Post's education blog gave Pearson space to respond. The op-ed, written by Pearson's managing director of assessment and direct delivery, Alfred G. Binford, does not address John Oliver's segment directly. (It does not mention it at all, in fact.) Rather, it's a loosely framed argument that standardized testing is a scientific undertaking, necessary in order to ascertain how well students are doing.

Pearson invests in the research and design of fair, rigorous tests that help teachers, parents, students, colleges and employers see how well students are progressing in their learning, and where there are areas for improvement. New annual state tests based on higher standards have introduced a potential game-changer: performance tasks that enable us to see how well students can apply what they have learned in the classroom to solve real-world problems.

This argument is hardly new. But as the growing "Opt Out" movement suggests, it's one that seems to be less and less convincing to students, parents, and educators alike.

And I think it's totally fair to call it a "movement." Some schools and districts are reporting half (or more) of their students are opting out of standardized tests this year. And while some proponents of testing and "accountability" have tried to dismiss it as actions that only white, affluent, suburban parents are pushing their children to do, framing the movement like that ignores communities like Chicago, for example, where communities of color - and just as importantly, students - are leading the charge.

It's this last element that seems to be particularly crucial to build upon. That is, how can we help magnify students' voice and agency in shaping their own education, and at the same time, reshape education policy?

How do we seize the opportunity of all this media attention to the problems with standardized testing to do more than talk about testing? How do we seize the opportunity of all this parent and student frustration with standardized testing to talk, more broadly, about rethinking schooling?

I don't mean to suggest that standardized testing is not an important issue, but it's one that could arguably be used to crack open other discussions: about what we want school to look like, about what we want assessment to look like, about what is studied and what is learned.

If the current testing regime collapses - I'm not sure it will, but the John Oliver segment certainly highlights some of the frustrations of those who hope it will - what will appear in its place? Can we articulate that now so that Pearson and other testing companies don't replace the old model with simply a re-branded, repackaged one?

And So, Without Ed-Tech Criticism...


This talk was given today at Scratch AMS 2015

When I first started to think about what I wanted to say here today, I thought I’d talk about innovation and how confused if not backwards the ed-tech industry’s obsession with that term is. I thought I’d tie in Jon Udell’s notion of “trailing edge innovations,” this idea that some of the most creating and interesting things don’t happen on the bleeding edge; they’re at a different perpendicular, if you will. Scratch – and before Scratch, LOGO – work there, tinkering from that angle.

So I started to think about movements from margin to center, about cultural, social, political, pedagogical change and why, from my vantage point at least, ed-tech is stuck – stuck chasing the wrong sorts of change.

We’ve been stuck there a while.

This is me and my brother, circa Christmas 1984. (I know it’s Christmas because that’s when we got the computer, and in this photo it hasn’t yet been moved to the basement.) We found this photo when we were cleaning out our dad’s house this summer. Yes, that’s us and the LOGO turtle. My thoughts about this photo are pretty complicated: going through family photo albums, you can see – sometimes quite starkly – when things change or when things get stuck. This photo was from “the good times”; later images, not so much. And this photo reminds me too of a missing piece: somehow my interest in computers then never really went anywhere. I didn’t have programming opportunities at school, and other than what I could tinker with on my own, I did t get much farther than basic (sic).


So I want to talk to you today about how we – ed-tech – get unstuck.

Someone asked me the other day why I’d been invited to speak at a conference on Scratch. “What are you going to say?!” they asked, (I think) a little apprehensively. Their fear, I have to imagine, was that I was going to come here and unload a keynote equivalent of 1984’s “Two Minutes of Hate” on an unsuspecting European audience, that I would shake my fist angrily and loudly condemn the Scratch Cat or something. Or something.

I get this a lot: demands that I answer the question “why do you hate education technology so much, Audrey?” in which I usually refrain from responding with the question “why do you hate reading comprehension so much, Internet stranger?”

I’d contend that this nervous, sometimes hostile reaction to my work highlights a trap that education technology finds itself in – a ridiculous belief that there can be only two possible responses to computers in education (or to computers in general): worship or hatred, adulation or acquiescence. “You’re either with us or against us”; you’re either for computers or against computers. You have to choose: technological progress or Luddism.

It’s a false choice, of course, and it mostly misses the point of what I try to do in my work as an education technology writer. Often what I’m trying to analyze is not so much about the actual technology at all: it’s about the ideology in which the technology is embedded, encased and from which it emerges; and it’s about what shape technologies seem to think teaching and learning, and the institutions that influence if not control those, should take.

To fixate solely on the technology is a symptom of what Seymour Papert has called “technocentric thinking,” something that he posited as quite different from what technology criticism should do. Technocentrism is something that technologists fall prey to, Papert contended; but it’s something that, just as likely, humanists are guilty of (admittedly, that’s another unhelpful divide, no doubt: technologists versus humanists).

“Combating technocentrism involves more than thinking about technology,” Papert wrote. And surely this is what education technology desperately needs right now. Why, for example, is there all the current excitement about ed-tech? Surely we can do better than an answer that accepts “because computers really matter now.” Why are venture capitalists investing in ed-tech at record levels? Why are schools now buying new hardware and software? Try again if your answer is “because the tech is so good.” A technocentric response points our attention to the technology itself – new tools, data, devices, apps, broadband, the cloud – as though these are context-free. Computer criticism, as outlined by Papert, demands we look more closely instead at policies, profits, politics, practices, power. Because it’s not “technological progress” than demands schools use computers. Indeed, rarely are computers used there for progressive means or ends at all.

Challenging technocentrism “leads to fundamental re-examination of assumptions about the area of application of technology with which one is concerned,” Papert wrote. “If we are interested in eliminating technocentrism from thinking about computers in education, we may find ourselves having to re-examine assumptions about education that were made long before the advent of computers.”

These passages comes from a 1987 essay “Computer Criticism vs. Technocentric Thinking,” in which Papert posited that education technology – or rather, the LOGO community specifically – needed to better develop its voice so that it could weigh in on the public dialogue about the burgeoning adoption of computers in schools. But what should that voice sound like? It had to offer more than a simple “pro-computers in the classroom” stance. And some three decades later, I think this is even more crucial. Uncritical techno-fascination and ed-tech fetishization – honestly, what purpose do those serve?

“There is no shortage of models” in trying to come up with a robust framework for computer criticism, Papert wrote back then. “The education establishment offers the notion of evaluation. Educational psychologists offer the notion of controlled experiment. The computer magazines have developed the idiom of product review. Philosophical tradition suggests inquiry into the essential nature of computation.” We can still see (mostly) these models applied to ed-tech today: “does it raise standardized test scores?” is one common way to analyze a product or service. “What new features does it boast?” is another. These approaches are insufficient, Papert argued, when it comes to thinking about ed-tech’s influence on learning, because they do nothing in helping us think broadly – rethink– our education system.

Papert suggested we turn to literary and social criticism as a model for computer criticism. Indeed, the computer is a medium of human expression, its development and its use a reflection of human culture; the computer is also a tool with a particular history, and although not circumscribed by its past, the computer is not entirely free of it either. I think we recognize history, legacy, systems in literary and social criticism; funny, folks get pretty irate when I point those out about ed-tech. “The name [computer criticism] does not imply that such writing would condemn computers any more than literary criticism condemns literature or social criticism condemns society,” Papert wrote. “The purpose of computer criticism is not to condemn but to understand, to explicate, to place in perspective. Of course, understanding does not exclude harsh (perhaps even captious) judgment. The result of understanding may well be to debunk. But critical judgment may also open our eyes to previously unnoticed virtue. And in the end, the critical and the creative processes need each other.”

I am, admittedly, quite partial to this framing of “computer criticism,” since it dovetails neatly with my own academic background. I’m not an engineer or an entrepreneur or (any longer) a classroom educator. I see myself as a cultural critic, formally trained in the study of literature, language, folklore. I’m interested in our stories and in our practices and in our cultures.

One of the flaws Papert identifies in “technocentrism” is that it gives centrality to the technology itself, reducing people and culture to a secondary level. Instead “computer criticism” should look at context, at systems, at politics, at power.

I would add to Papert’s ideas about “computer criticism,” those of other theorists. Consider Kant: criticism is self-knowledge, reflection, a counter to dogma, to those ideas that powerful systems demand we believe in. Ed-tech, once at the margins, is surely now dogma. Consider Hegel; consider Marx: criticism as antagonism, as dialectic, as intervention – stake a claim; stake a position; identify ideology. Consider Freire and criticism as pedagogy and pedagogy as criticism: change the system of schooling, and change the world.

It’s an odd response to my work, but a common one too, that criticism does not enable or effect change. (I suppose it does not fall into the business school model of “disruptive innovation.”) Or rather, that criticism stands as an indulgent, intellectual, purely academic pursuit – as though criticism involves theory but not action. Or if there is action, criticism implies “tearing down”; it has this negative connotation. Ed-tech entrepreneurs, to the contrary, actually “build things.”

Here’s another distinction I’ve heard: that criticism (in the form of writing an essay) is “just words” but writing software is “actually doing something.” Again, such a contrast reveals much about the role of intellectual activity that some see in “coding.”

That is a knotty problem, I think, for a group like this one to wrestle with (and why we need ed-tech criticism!). If we believe in “coding to learn” then what does it mean if we see “code” as distinct from or as absent of criticism? And here I don’t simply mean that a criticism-free code is stripped of knowledge, context, and politics; I mean that that framework in some ways conceptualizes code as the opposite of thinking deeply or thinking critically – that is, coding as (only) programmatic, mechanical, inflexible, rules-based. What are the implications of that in schools?

Technocentrism won’t help with thinking through that question. Technocentrism would be happier talking about “learning to code,” with the emphasis on “code” – “code” largely a signifier for technological know-how, an inherent and unexamined good.

As I was rereading Papert’s 1987 essay in preparation for this talk, I was struck – as I often am by his work – of how stuck ed-tech is. I mean, here he is, some 30 years ago, calling for the LOGO community to develop a better critique, frankly an activist critique about thinking and learning. “Do Not Ask What LOGO Can Do To People, But What People Can Do With LOGO.” Papert’s argument is not“why everyone should learn to code.”

Papert offers an activist critique. Criticism is activism. Criticism is a necessary tactic for this community, the Scratch community specifically and for the ed-tech community in general. It was necessary in 1987. It’s still necessary today – we might consider why we’re still at the point of having to make a case for ed-tech criticism too. It’s particularly necessary as we see funding flood into ed-tech, as we see policies about testing dictate the rationale for adopting devices, as we see the technology industry shape a conversation about “code” – a conversation that focuses on money and prestige but not on thinking, learning. Computer criticism can – and must – be about analysis and action. Critical thinking must work alongside critical pedagogical and technological practices. “Coding to learn” if you want to start there; or more simply, “learn by making.” But then too: making to reflect; making to think critically; making to engage with the world; it is from there, and only there, that we can get to making and coding to change the world.

Without ed-tech criticism, we’ll still be stuck – stuck without these critical practices, stuck without critical making or coding or design in school, stuck without critical (digital) pedagogy. And likely we’ll be stuck with a technocentrism that masks rather than uncovers let alone challenges power.

Hack Education Weekly News


Education Politics

British Prime Minister David Cameron wants every school in England and Wales to become an academy (that is, a school independent of local control).

Via Buzzfeed: “Education Department Wants To ‘Claw Back’ Loan Dollars From Disgraced Colleges. As more for-profit college students seek to have their federal student loans cancelled, the government is looking for ways to keep taxpayers off the hook.”

Via Inside Higher Ed: the role that banks like Bank of America have played in for-profit universities.

Via Education Week: “The Department of Education is asking for bids to design a prototype system to quickly evaluate ed-tech in K–12 schools, in hopes of making it easier for educators to figure out what works in products they purchase with federal funding.”

The Department of Education is also seeking input on what sorts of privacy protections should be in place for students’ medical records.

Education in the Courts

A US District Court judge has begun hearing a lawsuit brought against Compton Unified School District, claiming“trauma is a disability and that schools are required – by federal law – to make accommodations for traumatized students, not expel them. The plaintiffs want Compton Unified to provide teacher training, mental health support for students and to use conflict-mediation before resorting to suspension.”

Testing, Testing…

“Test-Refusal Movement’s Success Hampers Analysis of New York State Exam Results,” says The New York Times.

The ACT makes the case for multiple choice tests – they “can and do efficiently assess students’ higher-order thinking skills and reflect their real-world problem solving skills.”


Once upon a time, Gregory Ferenstein, then writing for Techcrunch, predicted that Udacity would bring about “the end of college as we know it.” He’s dialed it back a little this week with his prediction in ReadWrite: “Online Education May Be Poised To Take Off.”

According to Inside Higher Ed, the Georgia Institute of Technology, Northwestern University, the University of Washington, the University of California's Davis, Irvine and Los Angeles campuses, and the University of Wisconsin Extension are teaming up to create the University Learning Store for online assessments and microcredentials.

Edsurge reports that News Corp’s education division Amplify has sold its computer science MOOC to an unnamed buyer.

Meanwhile on Campus

Mashable reports that “Up to 2,300 students will go to college for free thanks to LeBron James.”

Via the Houston Chronicle: “The Texas Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans has asked a state district court to block the University of Texas at Austin from relocating its statue of Jefferson Davis from the campus’ main mall, prompting UT to delay the move at least temporarily.”

Paul Smith’s College will get a $20 million gift from Joan Weill – as long as it changes its name to Joan Weill-Paul Smith's College.

“What Are Los Angeles USD’s Plans to Combat Sexting?” asks Edsurge. (Answer: apparently, show educational videos.)

Via The LA Times: “For-profit colleges are using the GI Bill to make money off veterans.”

“Ex-cop with KKK ties found working in FL elementary school – and parents are furious,” says Raw Story.

Failure factories in Florida.

Go, School Sports Team!

The National Labor Relations Board has declined to weigh in on whether football players at Northwestern University can unionize. More via The New York Times and NPR.

There are possibly new NCAA violations at UNC Chapel Hill.

Via Jessia Luther and Dan Solomon in Texas Monthly: “Silence at Baylor”: “A much-talked-about football player at Baylor University – whom coaches ‘expect back’ this fall – is currently on trial for the sexual assault of a fellow student. Questions now swirl around what the program knew and when they knew it.”

And via Jessica Luther, writing for Vice Sports: “Former UTC Wrestler’s Expulsion Reversed in Sexual Assault Case.”

Data on the arrests of college football players.

From the HR Department

Amazon is hell.

Sociologist Zygmunt Bauman accused of serial “self-plagiarism,” says the Times Higher Education, as he’s recycled some 90,000 of his words across various books and articles. (For what it’s worth, it doesn’t really strike me as plagiarism at all.)

Upgrades and Downgrades

Chinese ed-tech company 17zuoye is partnering with Knewton.

Via David Wiley: “Personalization in Lumen’s ‘Next Gen’ OER Courseware Pilot.”

Via Education Week: “TES Global Unveils Platform for U.S. Teachers to Sell Content Online.” More via Edsurge.

“Chromebooks Gaining on iPads in School Sector,” and The New York Times is on it.

Funding and Acquisitions

Test prep company Testive has raised $1.15 million, says BetaBoston.

Private equity firms Leonard Green & Partners and TPG Capital have agreed to buy Ellucian. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

EdCamp has received a $2 million grant from the Gates Foundation. Because nothing says “grassroots” like a couple of million dollars from Bill and Melinda.

Data, Privacy, Security, and Surveillance

AT&T Helped U.S. Spy on Internet on a Vast Scale.”

The University of Virginia’s IT system was hit with a cyberattack.

San Diego Unified School District uses facial recognition software.

Inside Higher Ed reports that there are 74,468 unique email addresses from .edu domains released as part of the hack of the Ashley Madison website.

Teachers applying for a Google Certified Educator certificate will be monitored via their webcams.

Data and “Research”

Gallup has released the results of a poll about the availability of computer science in schools. Among the findings, “just 7% of principals and 6% of superintendents surveyed report that demand for it is high among parents in their school or district.”

“When teachers are asked about their expectations for black students, nonblack teachers were 30 percent less likely than black teachers to say they thought those students would earn a college degree.” More on a study of race and teachers’ expectations of students via Vox.

Also via Vox: “Parents think standardized tests are useless. Teachers agree.” (Here’s the link to the survey this headline refers to.)

Via NPR: “New research by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis shows education does not help black and Hispanic college graduates protect their wealth the same way it does for their white and Asian counterparts.”

According to Edsurge’s calculations, “US Edtech Brings in $73M in July.”

Market research first MarketsandMarkets claim that “the global Education Technology (Ed Tech) and Smart Classrooms Market is expected to grow from USD 43.27 Billion in 2015 to USD 93.76 Billion in 2020.” (The report will cost you almost $5000, so clearly the market for selling data about ed-tech also remains strong.)

Alfie Kohn in Salon on the dangers of “growth mindset” – or at least the dangers in how research gets picked up by conservative ideology.

Trauma and Learning


This article first appeared in Educating Modern Learners in June 2015

Recently, five students along with three teachers filed a lawsuit in federal court against the Compton Unified School District (a district that serves the Los Angeles County neighborhoods of West and East Compton). The students, who have all experienced severe childhood trauma, allege that the district failed to help them with their issues, let alone provide them with an adequate education. According to their attorneys, "the school district’s response to their plight not only didn't help, but frequently made their situations worse."

The lawsuit seeks better training for school staff so that they can recognize trauma, better mental health support for students instead of punitive, disciplinary measures - the current response, the lawsuit contends. Because this was filed as a class action suit, other students nationwide can join as plaintiffs.

Here's what happened, for example, to one of the plaintiffs from Compton USD:

...a former foster youth with a history of being physically and sexually abused, became homeless this year. With nowhere else to turn, he slept on the roof of the high school he attended. At no time did school administrators provide any support or services. Instead, he was suspended. Although some personnel were aware of the student’s circumstances, the student's attempts to return to school were denied, and he was threatened with law enforcement involvement if he persisted in attempting to return.

As The Los Angeles Times notes,

Decades of research have found that children who have suffered serious trauma are far more likely to repeat a grade, be suspended from school and have severe attendance and behavioral problems, according to Marleen Wong, an associate dean and clinical professor at the USC School of Social Work. Her 2003 study of thousands of sixth-graders in South and East Los Angeles found that nine of 10 had witnessed or experienced violence and had lower reading scores, higher absenteeism and other problems.

Students in low-income and high-crime minority neighborhoods like Compton are particularly likely to experienced violence. (Both violence and poverty in Compton are much higher than the rest of California and than the average in the rest of the US.)

But nationwide, childhood trauma is incredibly widespread. According to researchers from The Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, 48% of children in the US have experienced at least one form of trauma. (Their list of traumatic childhood experiences included exposure to violence; emotional, physical, or sexual abuse; deprivation; neglect; family discord and divorce; parental substance abuse; mental health problems; parental death or incarceration; social discrimination.) 22% of children had experienced two or more of these forms of trauma.

How do schools respond? And how do schools respond when budgets for services like nurses and psychologists are being slashed? (Of course, it's worth pointing out that as expensive as support services might be, they are in the longer run surely cheaper than the costs of truancy, dropping out, and incarceration.) What role is education technology playing - support or punishment?

It often feels as though in our push to "rethink education," we focus too much on academics and not enough on the social and emotional needs of students. We debate about what the curriculum, the assessments, the textbooks, the technology should look like; then we ignore the issues that are more likely the real barriers to "student success." (I’m using "we" quite loosely here, I admit. A recent survey of the US Teachers of the Year listed "family stress" as the top reason why their students do not succeed. Yet none of them listed crime or racism as an issue.)

The problems that schools face aren't simply that an information economy changes the nature of knowledge; it's that a precarious economy undermines any foundation necessary to build knowledge, let alone to build a stable future.

This isn't a new problem. But it is one that is becoming increasingly stark for more and more people.

This continues to be one of my concerns with a lot of the calls for "self-directed learning." How do we make sure that all students have opportunities and agency - and not just affluent students?

If we push to dismantle some of the collective elements of (traditional) schooling, what might we lose in the process? How can we retain from that model a collectivity that is focused on community and care? How do we provide a full system of mental health care and emotional support while asking that schools let go of a fixation on a full system of curricular dictates? If schools see their mission as being mostly the latter - that is, if schools are rewarded and punished for how students do on standardized tests - how can we expect schools to be a site for addressing other things that students need?

As we rethink schools, do we expect schools to address mental health issues? And if not, what happens then to all the traumatized children? How do we expect them to be "modern learners" if their worlds are crumbling?

Hack Education Weekly News


Education Politics

Tomorrow is the tenth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina hitting land. (It’s also the tenth anniversary of a very personal loss for me, and for this and a million other reasons I find the reflections on the tragedy emotionally exhausting.)

Parents and activists in Chicago are on a hunger strike to protest the closure of Walter H. Dyett High School, a public school in their South Side neighborhood.

The New York City Department of Education is delaying the e-book deal it had struck with Amazon – the company was poised to manage a book marketplace for students – following letters from the National Federation of the Blind noted that the move would exclude the visually impaired.

Via the LA School Report: “LA Unified said today its inspector general is ‘looking into’ the possibility that nearly 100 district employees used district email addresses to contact ashleymadison.com, a website that promotes extra-marital affairs, calling itself ‘the most famous name in infidelity and married dating.’” (Meanwhile, as Gizmodo’s Annalee Newitz writes, “Almost None of the Women in the Ashley Madison Database Ever Used the Site.”)

The Department of Education plans to evaluate ed-tech’s effectiveness. (Here’s Edsurge’s coverage.) Mindwire Consulting’s Phil Hill calls it “almost a good idea,” then writes a follow-up post: “Ed Tech Evaluation Plan: More problems than I initially thought.”

How the Department of Education turned into a massive bank.

England’s free schools received 60% more funding per pupil than local authority primaries and secondaries in the latest financial year, new analysis by Education Guardian shows.”

The FTC will investigate for-profit education provider Career Ed.

Education in the Courts

Via Inside Higher Ed: “A bankruptcy judge on Wednesday approved Corinthian’s plan to liquidate its assets, earmarking about $4.3 million for a special fund for former students.” That money will go towards loan forgiveness – but not to students directly.

“The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is considering taking legal action against Navient Corp., the country’s largest student loan servicer and a former division of Sallie Mae, after an investigation into the company’s disclosures and late fees,” Buzzfeed’s Molly Hensley-Clancy reports.

The New York Times has coverage of the testimony in a rape trial involving a student from an exclusive New England boarding school.

Testing, Testing…

Mother Jones Kristina Rizga has a long-read on opting out.

Via The Sacramento Bee: “ Jerry Brown grants exit exam reprieve to California high school seniors.”

“Common Core Glitch Might Mean Future Lawsuit,” a Montana ABC/FOX affiliate reports.

“ACT scores in 2015 were flat,” writes Inside Higher Ed, “with a continuation of recent patterns of significant gaps in the average scores by race and ethnicity.” ACT’s business, however, is booming.

The state of California has deleted 15 years of test scores from its website before making available the results of this year’s tests (aligned to the Common Core).

“The New York City charter school that made the largest gains on state English tests also made an unprecedented decision to grade its own students’ exams,” Chalkbeat reports.

Via The Washington Post: “U.S. Education Department bars states from offering alternative tests to most students with disabilities.”


MOOC startups are still raising venture capital like it’s 2012! (Details in the “funding” section below.)

Well, #notallMOOCs: “Amplify’s MOOC Is Sold, and Renamed as ‘Edhesive’.”

MIT and Harvard have published research on how people cheat in MOOCs: they create multiple accounts. Inconceivable!

According to the headline in The New York Times, “How High Schoolers Spent Their Summer: Online, Taking More Courses.” Many of those interviewed in the story, which suggests that MOOCs are showing up on college applications, work at Ivies, so I’m not really sure how much we can extrapolate from their stories. It does remind me of what Justin Reich found in his research on those in HarvardX courses: that those signing up for MOOCs were more affluent than average and more likely to come from families with high levels of parental educational attainment. But do carry on, NYT, with your MOOC hype.

Elsewhere in MOOC hype: “MOOCs show promise in complementing UC-San Diego’s campus offerings.”

“Oakland Community College may halt most online classes,” The Detroit News reports. “The possibility of mass course cancellations arose after the state's largest community college was denied accreditation for online programs that would let students earn degrees while taking most or all of their courses outside traditional classrooms.”

Meanwhile on Campus

A story about Duke freshman balking at reading Fun Home went viral this week, no doubt because the story conforms to many larger narratives about morality, outrage, trigger warnings, and protest. Aaron Bady has the best analysis of the incident.

The University of Maryland University College says it will be textbook-free by the fall of 2016.

The Hechinger Report on UC Merced: “A new university whose debut probably could not have come at a worse time.”

The Chronicle of Higher Education looks at outsourcing.

Via Boing Boing: “Cute Wonder Woman lunchbox banned from school for being too violent.”

Via NPR: “Simmons College announced it will close the campus master’s degree program in business, the only one of its kind in the nation exclusively for women.”

“Buzzwords May Be Stifling Teaching Innovation at Colleges,” says The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Jeffrey Young.

Deliberately not on campus: “Student opts to live on train rather than pay rent.”

Go, School Sports Team!

Via the AP: “Legal showdown looms over the NCAA’s ban on paying athletes.”

A book review of Billion-Dollar Ball: A Journey Through the Big-Money Culture of College Football: “College football isn’t about college, and it’s barely about football. It’s about money.”

Via The Verge: “The next 35 years of college football, predicted.”

Via The New York Times: “College Conferences Try to Block Athletes Who Have Violent Pasts.”

“In 2013, Auburn University’s curriculum review committee took up the case of a small, unpopular undergraduate major called public administration. After concluding that the major added very little to the school’s academic mission, the committee voted to eliminate it.” That’s the lede of The Wall Street Journal article that chronicles how Auburn’s athletics department insisted that the major, popular among football players, be retained.

From the HR Department

One in four D.C. public schools has a new principal this year,” The Washington Post observes.

Via Inside Higher Ed: “Facing a planned graduate student worker walkout over its decision to drop health insurance subsidies for teaching and research assistants, the University of Missouri at Columbia on Friday announced it will reinstate the subsidies indefinitely.”

Will robots replace teachers?

Upgrades and Downgrades

And in other robots-replacing-teachers news: “This Robot Tutor Will Make Personalizing Education Easy,” says Wired, hyping news that Knewton will now let anyone upload content to its platform (which means moar data for its data-hungry algorithms). “Teachers need more time and better outcomes and they need a magic pill that’s going to make that happen,” Knewton’s CEO tells Wired. A magic pill. Srsly. Education Week frames the story as about OER, highlighting how misused the word “open” is in ed-tech. The headline changed on Buzzfeed’s coverage, but you can still see it in the URL slug. (Related: by Mindwires Consulting’s Michael Feldstein: “The Fraught Interaction Design of Personalized Learning Products.”)

Via Phil Hill: “Inside View Of Blackboard’s Moodle Strategy In Latin America.” Meanwhile via The Washington Post: “Blackboard loses high-profile clients as its rivals school it in innovation.”

Adobe launches an LMS, for all your posting-of-PDFs-in-a-silo needs.


Khan Academy + Pixar Animation Studios = Pixar in a Box, “a free online curriculum that shows how Pixar artists use the concepts we all study in school to create their amazing movies.”

Via The Chronicle of Higher Education: “How an App Helps Low-Income Students by Turning College Life Into a Game.”

Solar Classrooms in a Box, to be delivered to Kenya.

Via The Pacific Standard: “Meet One of the Women Who Created a Black Lives Matter Textbook for Middle Schoolers.”

Box for Education.

Google Classroom has some new features, including the ability to reuse assignments.

Education Week’s Benjamin Herold describes the “Big Hype, Hard Fall for News Corp.’s $1 Billion Ed-Tech Venture.” Buzzfeed’s Molly Hensley-Clancy frames it this way: “How Rupert Murdoch Suffered A Rare Defeat In American Classrooms.”

Dale Russakoff’s book The Prize: Who’s in Charge of America’s Schools is set to be released soon, and excerpts and reviews have been published in The New York Times and Business Insider.

The Digital Reader reports that OLPC’s Australian partner One Education has made the XO Infinity Modular Laptop available for pre-order.

Via Re/Code: “Pursuing the Ed-Tech Unicorn.” (For what it’s worth, CB Insights does list one ed-tech company, 17zuoye, on its list of potential unicorns.) For those not up on the VC lingo, a unicorn is a startup that’s valued at $1 billion.

Funding and Acquisitions

Coursera has raised $49.5 million in funding from New Enterprise Associates, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, International Finance Corporation, GSV Asset Management, Learn Capital. and Times Internet (which operates the Times of India). The MOOC startup expects to add another $11 million to this round which will bring the total raised to $145 million. More via The Chronicle of Higher Education.

SmackHigh has raised $1.65 million in seed funding from Flybridge Capital Partners, Boston Seed Capital, and Wayne Chang for a social media platform. The startup “claims it can reduce bullying by creating an online community for high school students in which submissions are monitored and posted by SmackHigh representatives.”

Cybrary, which describes itself as “the world’s only no-cost cybersecurity massive open online course provider,” has raised $400,000 in seed funding from Inner Loop Capital.

Bearface Instructional Technologies has been acquired by data analytics company Perceivant. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.

Middlebury College is selling its stake in an online language learning company it founded with K12, the terribad for-profit online education provider.

Edsurge reports that one of its investors, Owl Ventures, has launched a $100 million investment fund.

Data, Privacy, and Surveillance

‘De-Identifying’ Student Data Is Key for Protecting Privacy,” say Education Week’s Benjamin Herold and Michelle Davis.

Meet the Modern School Bus,” writes Education Dive. (It’s pretty much a roving surveillance system, so that’s fun.)

Data and “Research”

The Reproducibility Project, as the name suggests, tries to reproduce social science research. It released some findings this week, and as The New York Times notes, “a painstaking yearslong effort to reproduce 100 studies published in three leading psychology journals has found that more than half of the findings did not hold up when retested.” But don’t worry guys, I’m sure all the studies about “grit” and “growth mindset” are totally legit.

Questionable research from Purdue has been trotted out again, here via Education Dive: “Analytics programs show ‘remarkable’ results – and it’s only the beginning.” Michael Feldstein responds: “I don’t know of any other way to put this. Purdue University is harming higher education by knowingly peddling questionable research for the purpose of institutional self-aggrandizement. Purdue leadership should issue a retraction and an apology.”

Roland Fryer, Steven Levitt and John List have studied what happens when low income parents are paid for helping their children with homework. Bloomberg has a write-up.

The latest PDK/Gallup poll is out (PDF), and many observers noted that the results were different than Education Next’s recently released survey results. Here’s Education Week’s coverage. Here’s how the NEA spins it: “Poll: Americans Want Less Standardized Testing and More School Funding.”USC’s Morgan Polikoff writes“On Common Core, can two polls this different both be right?”

The Paper and Packaging Board surveyed teachers and I’m shocked – shocked! – to see they found that “80% of teachers say kids learn better with paper assignments.”

New research from Rey Junco: “Predicting course outcomes with digital textbook analytics.”

Psychometrician Gene V. Glass: on “’Why I am no longer comfortable’ in the field of educational measurement.”

The latest Pew Research Center study: “Americans’ Views on Mobile Etiquette.”

Map: How student poverty has increased since the Great Recession.”

The University of Pennsylvania’s Graduate School of Education released a study on suspension and expulsion rates for black students, focusing on states with high rates of disciplining students. Among the findings: “While black students represented just under a quarter of public school students in these states, they made up nearly half of all suspensions and expulsions. In some districts, the gaps were even more striking: in 132 Southern school districts, for example, black students were suspended at rates five times their representation in the student population, or higher.”

The Fordham Institute’s Michael Petrilli has released his annual list of the “Top K–12 Education Policy People on Social Media 2015” (as well as the “Top K–12 Education Policy Organizations and Media Outlets on Social Media 2015”), ranked by Klout. (Remember Klout? LOL.) I’m not sure what “top” really means here, other than they’re “top” based his judgement of “who counts” organized in turn by some proprietary algorithm. Oh, education reformers and your penchant for silly metrics.

Adopt A Department of Education Dataset


My partner Kin Lane recently received a Knight Foundation prototype grant for a project he’s calling Adopta.Agency. The idea is to build upon President Obama’s open data initiative so that federal datasets are actually useful – the data is clean and (ideally) machine-readable.

Adopting datasets strikes me as particularly important when it comes to the Department of Education, which publishes a lot of data (although only 300 datasets have made it to the data.gov website), but often in proprietary formats (PDFs or PowerPoint slides or Microsoft Word files) or in strangely formatted spreadsheets with columns and filenames that lack consistency let alone clarity year-over-year.

(Let’s pause to note the irony of a department that demands the collection of more and more data from schools and students – a cornerstone of its calls for “accountability” – but that cannot figure out how to manage or release its own data in open, useable formats.)

Kin’s project does not involve any new technology or platform. Rather, he’s created a blueprint that uses GitHub to host the data, the roadmap for the project, Q&As, and issues. The blueprint (ideally) contains all the pieces you’ll need to get started. (A more detailed although admittedly very preliminary How-To is here.) Kin’s reasons for choosing GitHub are severalfold: you can easily fork and contribute to projects. Also, GitHub Pages makes it simple to spin up a website for each project (or “repository” in GitHub lingo).

I’ve started two projects using Department of Education data: one that will clean up the datasets gathered for the My Brother’s Keeper initiative and the other will identify and make machine-readable datasets pertaining to education technology. (Of the 17 datasets that you can find with the keywords “education” and “technology” only 3 are in open formats.)

The data in both of these collections certainly need to be cleaned up (OMG do they ever), and I’d like to see them expanded upon as well. (Indeed, one of the criticisms of the My Brother’s Keeper initiative is that its “gender exclusive focus” ignores the needs of black girls; consider my project an opportunity for a “fork” that includes data pertaining to girls as well.)

I’m interested in helping address some of the problems with Department of Education data. (First order of business: calling them out on the shoddiness of their efforts so far.) More broadly I’m also interested in exploring the use of GitHub as part of a “Reclaim Your Domain” strategy – that is, how do we make it easier for folks to develop and control their data and their digital identity. Government data is our data, after all. And finally, how do we lower the barriers to entry so that “open data” and “open government” initiatives and the like don’t simply concentrate power in the hands of a technical elite? How can we create templates for data-curious projects – such as Kin’s Adopta.Agency blueprint – so that it’s as easy as possible to get up and running with a similar effort?

Hack Education Weekly News


Education Politics

Seattle public school teachers have voted to strike if their union cannot reach an agreement with the district by the time school starts on Wednesday.

Chicago Public Schools have agreed to let Dyett High School re-open, following community led protests about its closure. The hunger strikes will continue, protestors say.

A law protecting student data has been signed in Delaware – privacy legislation is a “trend,” says Education Week.

California community colleges might seek a new accreditor – that’s the recommendation of a task force, at least. More in Inside Higher Ed.

According to a report released by the Department of Education, it has forgiven the student loans of 3000 former Corinthian students. (That’s out of the 8000-ish who’ve applied to have their debts erased.)

The Department of Education announced it was awarding $25 million in grants to Twin Cities Public Television and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for kids’ TV.

The Department of Education announced that Michigan State University has mishandled multiple cases of sexual assault and harassment, failing to investigate student complaints, in violation of Title IX.

Republican presidential hopeful Marco Rubio: ‘We don’t need a Department of Education’.”

More connections between Hillary Clinton and for-profit education provider Laureate Education. (Her husband was also an honorary chancellor, paid $16.5 million between 2010 and 2014.) Apparently Clinton pushed for Laureate to have a seat at a higher ed policy dinner hosted by the State Department. (Worth noting perhaps: the State Department partnered with Coursera to promote MOOCs globally. Laureate is an investor in Coursera.)

Here’s How New Texas Public School Textbooks Write About Slavery.”

Education in the Courts

The Washington State Supreme Court has just ruled that charter schools are unconstitutional.

Public school parents do not have a constitutional right to decide where to send their children to school (unless they choose to enroll their child in a private school), the Eighth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled this week.

Fulton County GA Superior Court Judge Jerry Baxter has sentenced the final educator in the Atlanta schools cheating scandal. Elementary school teacher Shani Robinson will spend a year in prison.

Via The Oregonian: “The Oregon Court of Appeals breathed new life Wednesday into a lawsuit filed by a young woman who was raped during a Halloween party at an Oregon State University fraternity, ruling that the local Phi Kappa Psi chapter could be held liable for failing to shield the woman from harm.”

Via The New York Times: “Owen Labrie of St. Paul’s School Is Found Not Guilty of Main Rape Charge.”

“The family of a student at the Fay School in Southboro has filed a lawsuit claiming the school’s strong Wi-Fi signal caused the boy to become ill,” the Worcester Telegram reports.

Testing, Testing…

SAT scores at lowest level in 10 years, fueling worries about high schools,” WaPo’s Nick Anderson writes, trying to fuel the panic, to which Vox’s Libby Nelson calmly responds, “The real reason SAT scores are falling.” “Is the College Board trolling high schools?” asks historian Sherman Dorn.

According to an investigation by ProPublica, “Asians Are Nearly Twice as Likely to Get a Higher Price from Princeton Review.”

Via the AP: “As Common Core results trickle in, initial goals unfulfilled.”

Via Edsource: “The California Department of Education on Friday began restoring historical test data that it deleted from the most accessible part of its website earlier this month, following criticism that it did so to discourage the public from making comparisons to the results of new tests aligned to the Common Core standards.”


Copy-and-pasted from the press release: “The world’s first GROOC - a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) for groups - co-created by internationally renowned management expert Henry Mintzberg will be launched by McGill University and edX.” There are so many problems with this, least of which being (once again) an erasure of the connectivist roots of MOOCs, but my only response:

Meanwhile, Coursera says it has “30+ New Business, Computer Science, and Data Science Specializations Starting September 15.”

The University of Central Florida now boasts “mega-classes,” “enrolling in one case nearly four times as many students as their assigned classrooms can seat and students sprawled in the aisles.” But you can watch the videos streaming online so that’s fun for those who’ve actually paid to attend a residential school.

Meanwhile on Campus

New York State’s attorney general Eric Schneiderman has reached a deal that could pave the way for Cooper Union to once again be tuition-free. More details via The New York Times, Inside Higher Ed, and The Committee to Save Cooper Union.

“Harvard Business School really has created the classroom of the future,” Fortune wants us to believe. “Truth be told, an HBX Live session is more a show than a class.” Oh. I. See.

Via The LA Times: “A student at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill has raised concerns about the school’s Literature of 9/11 seminar course, claiming the required readings for the class are ”sympathetic towards terrorism.“ Alec Dent, a freshman journalism major at UNC, hasn’t taken the class or read any of the books on the syllabus, but said he’s concerned that the class isn’t ”fair and balanced." (The media really seems to enjoy these stories of trigger warnings and moral refusal, don’t they.)

“New report finds ongoing iPad and technology problems at L.A. Unified,” reports The LA Times’ Howard Blume. (And according to the LA School Report, there are hints there may be more problems arising from the FBI’s investigation into the Pearson/Apple/LAUSD deal.)

“University of Glasgow mulls turning away from Turnitin,” the Times Higher Education headline reads. But it looks like it’s not turning away from plagiarism software detection software, so meh.

Three students were shot, one fatally, this week at Sacramento City College.

One student was fatally shot at Savannah State University.

The statue of Jefferson Davis has been removed from the University of Texas, Austin campus.

Via The Chronicle of Higher Education: “How One University Uses a ‘Mental-Health Kiosk’ to Reach Students.”

“Ulster University is to close its school of modern languages at its Coleraine campus and cut maths degrees as a result of budget reductions,” the BBC reports.

“Nearly half of 60 Japanese national universities that have humanities and social science faculties plan to abolish those departments in the 2016 academic year or later,” says University World News.

Penn State is doing a thing called “EdTech Network” that’s something to do with innovation and entrepreneurship. Certainly the name is very very forward-looking.

The Hottest Bar in Philly Is on Top of a Shuttered Public School.”

Go, School Sports Team!

Baylor University continues to investigate (or maybe starts a new investigation?) into the university’s handling of a sexual assault accusation against one of its football players.

“Five Rutgers University football players were arrested Thursday and charged with robbery, burglary while armed, conspiracy to commit armed robbery, riot and aggravated assault,” Inside Higher Ed reports.

“Six of the seven teenagers charged with sexually abusing teammates in a football hazing scandal at the high school in Sayreville, N.J., last fall were sentenced to probation and 50 hours each of community service,” according to The New York Times.

Via Education Week: “A school district says it’s investigating a mass baptism on a public high school football field after video footage of the Aug. 17 incident was posted online.”

Via Inside Higher Ed: “The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on Friday abruptly fired its head football coach, Tim Beckman, after an external review into the coach’s behavior revealed that he put his players at risk by deterring them from reporting injuries and pressuring them to continue playing when hurt.”

“Dartmouth College Adds A Robot To Its Practice Football Team,” says NPR. And yeah. I can totally get behind robots replacing schools’ football coaching staff, I think.

From the HR Department

University of Iowa will have a new president this fall, former IBM senior vice president Bruce Harreld. Faculty and grad students are not pleased, pointing out his utter lack of experience in higher ed administration.

Inside Higher Ed reports that Sally Stroup will be stepping down “as executive vice president for government relations and legal counsel for the Association of Private Sector Colleges and Universities (APSCU), which is the for-profit industry’s primary trade group.”

Upgrades and Downgrades

Slave Tetris.” I’m not kidding.

Financing startup Neighborly announced that it’s selling the first ever “microbonds” for a public project, namely San Leandro Schools.

Facebook announced this week that it is working on building software for the Summit charter school chain. Because “personalization.” (See: Buzzfeed and The New York Times for coverage.) It’s a conveniently timed news release to distract us from The Prize, a new book by Dale Russakoff that details what happened to Mark Zuckerberg’s $100 million donation to the Newark Schools. (Remember how Zuckerberg made a $100 million donation to the Newark Schools to distract us from the unflattering portrayal of him in The Social Network? The beat goes on…) Related: Edsurge covers how some of that money is being funneled to teachers via a startup called ClassWallet (its list of funders here): “Teachers will each receive $100 in ClassWallet credit that can be spent on supplies sold by 40 partnering vendors, including Amazon, Scholastic and Best Buy. Principals will get $7,500 that can be spent on professional development, community initiatives and parenting programs.”

Speaking of “personalization,” Inside Higher Ed’s Carl Straumsheim wrote about the so-called adaptive software offered by JumpCourse, demonstrating that it was pretty easy to guess one’s way through the coursework, something that can eventually lead to ACE credit: “General Ed Cheap and Easy.” As adaptive learning CEOs are wont to do, the CEO invokes “learning styles” (in part) as to why this is all okay.

Backpack Makers Rethink a Student Staple.” Innovation!

Google has a new logo. It also wants to remind schools to hand over their data use Google Docs and Google Classroom.

NovaNet is dead.

The Totara LMS announced its plans to fork the open source LMS Moodle. In other Moodle news, Mindwire Consulting’s Phil Hill talks to Moodle founder Martin Dougiamas.

Via Nichole Dobo at The Hechinger Report: “Mind blown: Is a brain-wave reading, Gucci-designed headband coming to a classroom near you?” (No. No, it’s not. Because this is an example of “neurobollocks.” That is bullshit masking as neuroscience.)

Funding, Mergers, Acquisitions, and IPOs

Startup incubator 1776 has raised money for a $12.5 million seed fund “to fuel the social revolution,” says Edsurge.

DreamBox Learning has raised $10 million from Owl Ventures, Tao Capital Partners, Charter School Growth Fund, John Doerr, and GSV Capital. The “adaptive learning” startup has raised $45.6 million total.

NextLesson has raised $2.9 million in seed funding from Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff, Bebo’s Michael Birch, Dropbox’s Drew Houston, Upwork’s Thomas Layton, Yahoo head Marissa Mayer, Yelp’s Jeremy Stoppelman, and Nextdoor’s Nirav Tolia. The company offers worksheets and lessons plans.

Online learning company ApprenNet has raised $1.8 million in funding from Martellus Holding, Jefferson Education Fund, the Education Design Studio, 1776, Abbhi Capital, Apollo Education Ventures, Ben Franklin Technology Partners, Palm Ventures, and New Ground Ventures.

Spotlight Education has raised $250,000 in seed investment from anonymous investors. According to Edsurge, “Spotlight’s self-titled product aggregates data sources within a school to produce automated, customized and written reports for teachers, parents and students.”

McGraw-Hill Education plans to IPO, says Reuters, hoping to raise between $5 billion and $6 billion. Because textbooks.

Reuters also reports that HotChalk is in talks to raised some $75 million in funding.

CaseNEX and Longleaf Solutions, which describe themselves as “innovative leaders of data management and professional development solutions for the K–12 education market,” have merged, says their joint press release.

Data, Privacy, and School Surveillance

Taylor Swift’s website an example of poor privacy practices for children.”

“Tools for Tailored Learning May Expose Students' Personal Details,” says NYT’s Natasha Singer.

According to the Future of Privacy Forum, 87% of parents are concerned about student data security.

Hey parents. Here’s a good place to start: “Keep Your Kid’s Info Safe: Opt Them Out of School Directory Information Sharing.”

Data and “Research”

Education Week’s Sarah Sparks looks at research on the length of commute to school based on family income. (Spoiler alert: “When You’re Poor or Homeless, It Can Be a Long Trip to School.”)

The Century Foundation has released a report cautioning against moves to expand federal aid eligibility to coding bootcamps.

According to SchoolDude (!), a company that tracks schools’ facility maintenance, “an estimated $330 million will be spent fixing a myriad of problems that arise in K–12 facilities” during the first two weeks of school.

According to a survey conducted by the University of Phoenix, “K–12 Teachers Use Social Media at Home, But Not in Class.”

Stanford education professor Linda Darling-Hammond has unveiled her new education think tank, Learning Policy Institute, which falls under this sub-section because "research" and "evidence."

Via Vox: “Next time someone says students should work their way through college, show them this map.”

Do Kids Actually Eat the Healthier School Lunch Option?” (And does that impact their long term health? The evidence is unclear, says The Pacific Standard.)

Via the School Library Journal: “The State of the School Ebook Market.”

Elsewhere: another year, another survey that finds students prefer printed textbooks.

Existing Digitally


This talk was delivered today at Emerson College

The title of this talk is “existing digitally,” and our goal is to prompt you to think more critically about your “data” and your digital identities and about the ways in which all of us increasingly perform our identities, do our work, play our play mediated through new technologies – computers, networks, mobile devices, electronica, digitalia, et cetera.

How does that adverb “digitally” change “existence”? Does it? How does it change what we do now that we do so much with and as “the digital.”

Those of us who are “creatives” find ourselves being told that our work in particular is set to be utterly transformed by new technologies – transformed for better and for worse. This transformation means in part there are so many issues we face now surrounding the distribution, display, security, storage, licensing, funding – control– of our work.

If technologies are shifting our industries – and certainly we’re told they are – then how should we, how must we respond – and respond not in the service of “industry needs” but in the service of our own needs.

What I often fear is that we don’t really know what our needs are – technologically at least. Indeed, I think we’ve shied away from figuring this out, in part because we’ve been convinced that technology is too hard, too complicated. We’ve surrendered too to the notion tech is necessarily intimidating – or conversely to the idea that tech “just works” – and that we needn’t interrogate, let alone master it. It’s “someone else’s job.”

“Someone else’s job” – perhaps, but that job is increasingly encroaching on our own work.

Now we are certainly able to “exist digitally” without knowing how the digital functions. But we might not be able to thrive.

I think the same could be said for the various industries in which, if you’re students here at Emerson, you’re probably poised to work. Film. TV. Music. Journalism. The performing arts. These are all industries that, in order to thrive and not simply exist, you have to understand how “the machine” works as well – and how it works is not just a matter of how the tools work, of course. How “the system” works. (And let’s be honest: If you’re Emerson faculty or staff, we can certainly say the same thing about the necessity of understanding how the industry of higher ed operates.)

One of the challenges of our historical moment is that we’re told that almost every industry is being “disrupted” by technology – “software is eating the world” is how one venture capitalist put it. So technology – this thing that we’ve been told we needn’t or shouldn’t fuss with (just buy. just “click”) – is going to “revolutionize” everything. “Trust us,” I guess this implies, that the tech industry’s version of “revolution” is going to be something we can survive.

Now, in some cases that “disruption” does mean new products, new production, new distribution channels, and the like. And I think it’s fairly easy to cite examples of how this has been a boon to many people who work in creative endeavors. But “disruption” as the tech industry touts it is actually a business school concept – it mostly means shifting power. Shifting power financially, politically as one big industry supposedly undermines another. “Disruption” is also, dare I say, a bullshit smokescreen to make us excited about this changing landscape. We’re supposed to cheer for the Mark Zuckerbergs and Travis Kalanicks of the world, even though, upon closer inspection, we notice that they’re still affluent white guys funded by investment dollars from even more affluent white guys. When Silicon Valley “disrupts” things, power and privilege don’t magically get re-distributed to all of us or even to new groups of people.

That re-distribution of power was, however, part of the original vision of the World Wide Web. We’re still told this tale: that the Web will enable the democratization of “content creation” – that we can all be publishers, filmmakers, musicians, journalists, writers, photographers, stars. And maybe we can be.

We can exist as such. But can we thrive?

I don’t want to fetishize technology here or suggest that a deep understanding of tech itself is the lynchpin, that that’s what is required to thrive. I mean, if we look at the world around us, we can see that late stage capitalism plus technology equals economic precarity for almost all of us.

Now perhaps we creatives are already accustomed or expectant to living as such. But again, I want us to think: how does “the digital” change this? How does it change how we work, how we get paid, how we collaborate and communicate? How does it change who sees our work; how does it change who controls our work?

One of the projects that Kin and I work on – maybe “project” isn’t the right word. I’ll use one that dovetails nicely with his title “API Evangelist”… One of the missions that Kin and I share is to help people think through their use of digital technologies and ascertain how better they can take control of it for themselves. Now some of this does involve poking at the technology itself – learning how it works, recognizing what data and metadata it collects and who it shares that data with. It also involves poking at another, older field of knowledge, The Law – learning how copyright and licensing works, recognizing how it too does not distribute but often concentrates power.

Now much like the common response to technology – I don’t know, I don’t want to know, I just want my [fill-in-the-blank with a piece of hardware or software] to work – we don’t always respond wisely when we’re presented with the legal contracts that accompany the tech we use. There are hundreds of pages in the Terms of Service for your iPhone or iTunes – but do you read them? Hell no you don’t. You just click “I agree” and go along your way, fingers crossed that you haven’t just signed over all rights to the photos you’ve taken or the manuscript you’ve written. Accompanying the Terms of Service is often a Privacy Policy – you are rarely prompted to look at that or to investigate with whom your data is being shared: advertisers, partners, analytics companies, credit agencies, Facebook, Google, the NSA.

“Data” sounds really clinical (to my ears at least), far removed from creativity, so I think it’s worth pointing out that everything we do via digital technology does involve “data.” The photos we take: data. The manuscript we write: data. The film we capture: data. And that data is layered with even more data. Where were you when you snapped the photo: geo-data. How long did it take you to write the manuscript: metadata. How many edits did you make. What kind of computer or camera did you use. What file format is it in. If you choose to use a different kind of computer or camera, can you actually access that manuscript or photo? Or is it in some proprietary format that requires you buy or license software in order to maintain access to your work.

It’s your work. It’s your data.

We need to learn to get better at asking questions so that we retain control over these.

One of the first things that I had to to do when I began freelance writing was to actually read the contracts that I signed. Did I retain copyright? That’s the obvious one. But also, what sorts of legal responsibilities does a contract make me shoulder, if say, I wrote something that prompted a lawsuit. I’m not an expert by any means in contract law. But I’ve had to figure some of this out. Control of my work depends on it.

Actually, one of the very first things that I had to learn to do when I began freelance writing was to figure out how to set up my own website. Kin and I had just started dating, and thanks to his assistance and his insistence, I bought the domain audreywatters.com. He helped me set up WordPress. A couple of months later, we purchased new domains, hackeducation.com and apievangelist.com – and the rest, as they say, is history.

I believe pretty strongly that everyone should own their own domain. It is one key way for you to better control your digital identity, particularly as a creative professional. Owning your own domain, having a website – this does not mean that you have to have a “blog.” Not everyone is a writer; not everyone wants to publish in their writing in a reverse chronological order on the Web. I get that. But you should still have your own domain. It can serve as a digital portfolio, showcasing the work you do. It can serve, to a certain extent, as the canonical “you” online. When people search for your name, they find your website – the one you’ve designed, the one you’ve decided what it looks like and what the content holds. They find that “you,” that particular performance of your digital identity. Sure, links to your Facebook profile, your LinkedIn page, your Twitter account, your Instagram account will all show up in the results too. But the top link is your domain.

Your domain. Your space on the Web. A space you can control.

Kin and I (and others, including the folks at University of Mary Washington and at a company called Reclaim Hosting) talk a lot about “reclaiming your domain.” “To reclaim” means to take back – to take back some of the tools, to take back the vision, to take back our content and data from industries that are exploiting us.

To “reclaim your domain” – that word “domain” can mean many things. “Domain” is a territory controlled by a state or government. It also means “home.” It means a space on the Internet, marked by a specific address and controlled by an individual or organization. “Domain” can refer to a specific sphere of knowledge. We say that someone has “domain expertise.”

You all have domain expertise. You’re here in school to hone that.

So it’s key, I’d argue, for you to be able to showcase that digitally on your own terms.

That does require picking up a bit of domain knowledge about how the Web works. But as I said at the beginning of this talk, we can’t really afford to not have some of the basic skills in this. It’s akin to knowing enough contract law to make sure you’re not being screwed over.

Having your own domain doesn’t have to be complicated. Like I said, it doesn’t have to be a blog. Kin and I are going to show you briefly how you can quickly set up a website for any project you’re working on. Think of this as an experiment, a playground in which you pick up the skills that are going to move you towards greater control of your digital existence. Think of it as the first step towards reclaiming your digital work, your digital identities. Think of it as an effort to not just exist but to thrive in a digital world.

Resources on Github

Hack Education Weekly News


Education Politics

“The Washington Charter School Association has a $14 million fund from private donors set aside to keep the doors open this year at all charter schools in the state,” K5 reports. (Late last week, the state’s Supreme Court declared charters unconstitutional. Here’s why, according to education historian Sherman Dorn.)

Harvard law professor Lawrence Lessig is running for president.

In other presidential candidate news, via Politico: "Walker’s latest target: College professors.”

According to Los Angeles Unified Superintendent Ramon Cortines, the district is close to a $6 million settlement with Apple and Pearson over its botched iPad program.

A group in Tennessee are protesting Islam’s inclusion in the Common Core curriculum. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Education in the Courts

Via the Philadelphia Inquirer: “A former Bucks County high school teacher who was fired after profanely blogging about her ‘utterly loathsome’ and ‘frightfully dim’ students cannot sue the Central Bucks School District for violating her right to free speech, a federal appeals court ruled.”

Testing, Testing…

The results of California’s test scores were released. “Among the poor news,” reports LA School Report, “was the continuation of a drastic achievement gap between the district's white students and its black and Latino students.” More via Edsurge.

Chromebooks’ Rise in U.S. K–12 Schools Fueled by Online Testing.”

“The Rebellion against Standardized Tests is Exploding,” The Nation claims.


Via Inside Higher Ed: “The Texas State University System on Thursday announced a Freshman Year for Free program in which students can earn a full year of credit through massive open online courses offered by edX and coordinated by a new nonprofit called the Modern States Education Alliance. The only costs to students would be either Advanced Placement or College Level Examination Program tests, which would be passed after completing various MOOCs. Appropriate scores would be required on the tests to receive credit from Texas State campuses.”

The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) has launched its new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) for Development portal”: www.mooc4dev.org

“Udacity, Coursera and edX Now Claim Over 24 Million Students,” claims Edsurge.

“Meet the Crowdfunded Professor,” says The Chronicle of Higher Education. “He's left his tenured job and gone online, solo.” (Related: Ian Bogost on “Quit Lit.”)

Via The Chronicle of Higher Education: “The University of Florida is discussing changes in its partnership with Pearson Embanet for running the university's online bachelor's-degree-granting arm, UF Online, including possible termination of the contract.”

Also via The Chronicle: “HBCUs Aren't Sold on Course Partnerships With U. of Phoenix.”

Via The Hechinger Report: “New online credential program aims to turn out 10,000 new teachers in the next five years.”

“Technology investors shared their insights at a National Education Association panel on investing in education,” says Education Dive, “calling MOOCs a mistake for institutional investment.”

Meanwhile on Campus

At West Point, Annual Pillow Fight Becomes Weaponized,” The New York Times reports: “this year the fight on the West Point, N.Y., campus turned bloody as some cadets swung pillowcases packed with hard objects, thought to be helmets, that split lips, broke at least one bone, dislocated shoulders and knocked cadets unconscious. The brawl at the publicly funded academy, where many of the Army's top leaders are trained, left 30 cadets injured, including 24 with concussions, according to West Point.”

Students in the Pinellas County schools in Florida are now locked out of the district’s WiFi which is now available to teachers and administrators only.

James Franco will be teaching a high school film class in Palo Alto.

Uber is giving Carnegie Mellon $5.5 million to sponsor a new faculty chair in robotics (this after poaching many of the professors in its robotics department).

Via The Gazette: “University of Iowa Faculty Senate votes ‘no confidence’ in Board of Regents.” This comes on the heels of the board’s decision to hire businessman J. Bruce Harreld as the university’s new president.

Via Buzzfeed: “How A College You've Never Heard Of Became A Grad School Giant” (wherein “giant” means its students have taken out a gigantic amount of student loan debt.)

Via The Guardian: “Schools tighten grip on restrictive dress codes - and students are fed up.” Similar story, but from the BBC.

Richmond Community College in North Carolina will offer free tuition to high school students in the area: “The program, dubbed RichmondCC Guarantee, promises two free years of college for students of public, private and home schools who have at least a 3.0 grade-point average and two college courses under their belts.”

Divestment continues: “The University of California Just Sold Off $200 Million in Fossil Fuel Investments,” says Mother Jones.

Via ProPublica: “First Library to Support Anonymous Internet Browsing Effort Stops After DHS Email.” The Kilton Public Library in New Hampshire was using Tor, but police have pressured the library to stop.

Higher Education’s Internet Outrage Machine.”

Go, School Sports Team!

Texas high school students are opting out of football.

Louisiana High School Football Player Dies After Being Injured on Punt Return.”

Via Inside Higher Ed: “The faculty union at Rutgers University on Wednesday urged the university to investigate whether its football coach, Kyle Flood, intimidated and bullied instructors while communicating with them about the grades of football players.”

From the HR Department

Seattle public school teachers remain on strike.

The University of Minnesota CIO has resigned because he says he’s training for an Ironman race. Sounds legit.

Jesse Stommel will be joining the University of Mary Washington as the new executive director of DTLT. (Jesse’s thoughts on “Leaving Wisconsin.”)

It’s a double win for DTLT: Lee Skallerup Bessette has been hired as instructional technology specialist.

Harvard University President Drew Faust opposes grad student unionization efforts, according to The Harvard Crimson.

Bernard Barton Jr has been named the new CIO of the Library of Congress.

Upgrades and Downgrades

Apple had one of its regularly-scheduled media hoopla thingies this week, so cue these sorts of headlines about the coming ed-tech revolution: “6 Reasons Why The iPad Pro Might Be A 1:1 Program Game Changer.”

Educators in Australia say Pearson is profiting from a conflict of interest as it provides the country both the textbooks and the tests. Hmm. Sounds familiar…

Via Inside Higher Ed: “A Textbook Market Strategy That Moves Beyond Professors.” Direct sales to students. Good luck with that.

Meanwhile: “Does Amazon's Edtech Strategy Involve $50 Tablets?” asks Edsurge. (Well, it certainly doesn’t include the Fire Phone, with the company axed this week.)

“Why Moodle Matters,” according to MindWire Consulting’s Phil Hill.

Via Venture Beat: “Uber taps Duolingo to let riders request English-speaking drivers, kicking off in Colombia.”

The New York Times profiled TeachersPayTeachers.com – “A Sharing Economy Where Teachers Win.” “You blew it,” math teacher Glenn Waddell responds.

A computer scientist is writing a book about programming for babies.”

“Intel to End Sponsorship of Science Talent Search,” The New York Times reports.

An open letter to the now-Gates-Foundation-funded EdCamps from Gary Stager and Sylvia Martinez.

NCTE have released a statement “affirming #BlackLivesMatter.”

Funding and Acquisitions

Ugh. “In exchange for $725 million, the National Geographic Society passed the troubled magazine and its book, map and other media assets to a partnership headed by 21st Century Fox, the Murdoch-controlled company that owns the 20th Century Fox movie studio, the Fox television network and Fox News Channel.” So much for that 125+ year old institution. More via Buzzfeed.

Via Inside Higher Ed: “Graham Holdings Company, which controls Kaplan Inc., announced Friday that the sale of its Kaplan Higher Education campuses to Education Corporation of America was completed Thursday, according to a corporate filing. ECA is a for-profit chain that announced in February it would purchase all 38 of the nationally accredited Kaplan campuses and related assets. Kaplan will continue to operate Kaplan University and eight professional schools.”

“Baidu, China’s largest search engine and an investor in Uber, is giving its Zuoyebang 'after school' service, which helps school students with their studies, wings of its own after it revealed that the business raised an undisclosed Series A funding round,” Techcrunch reports. The investment comes from Sequoia China and Legend Capital.

Planet3 has raised $10 million from data center company Switch.

DecisionSim has raised$1.85 million from Rittenhouse Ventures and Ben Franklin Technology Partners for its simulations for training health-care workers.

Indian online test-prep company Online Tyari has raised $750,000 from 500 Startups, Aloke Bajpai, Tandem Capital, Mohnadas Pai, and Vikram Chachra.

The charter school chain KIPP has received a $4 million donation– the largest in its history – from Playtex CEO Joel Smilow.

The English language tutoring company Langrich has been acquired by EnglishCentral.

Data Breaches, Hacks, Privacy, and Surveillance

“Cal State data breach hits nearly 80,000 students,” The LA Times reports. “The Cal State system had hired the vendor We End Violence to provide the noncredit class on sexual harassment, which is required of all students under state law. Students who took the training with that company had their data hacked.”

Via Techcrunch: “The American Library Association Lost Control Of Their Facebook Page This Weekend.”

Bill Fitzgerald on the privacy implications of Facebook’s efforts to build ed-tech software for a charter school chain.

Data and “Research”

According to research from the Brookings Institution, “The spike in student loan defaults over the last decade has been fueled by students attending for-profit colleges and, to a lesser degree, community colleges, according to a new analysis of millions of federal student loan records.” More via Buzzfeed and Vox.

“Does Edtech Hurt – or Help – Those Most in Need?” asks Edsurge. (Spoiler alert… nevermind. I bet you can guess how this question gets answered.)

A report by iNACOL says that online credit recovery programs, which help students make up high school credits (and help schools maintain their graduation rates) are “in need of improvement.”

Via Inside Higher Ed: “Eduventures, a Boston-based higher education research firm, estimates the market [for online program management] is worth $1.1 billion.”

The American Institutes for Research will partner with UVA’s ed-tech accelerator to help research “what works” in ed-tech (or at least in the startup’s that UVA’s accelerator is investing in).

The latest Pew Research: “A Look at What the Public Knows and Does Not Know About Science.”

Via The Atlantic: “America’s Teaching Force, by the Numbers.”

New Personality Profiling Technique to Identify Potential School Shooters Revealed in Study by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Researchers.” Gee, what could go wrong.

The Downside of Mindfulness.”

Via the US Census: back-to-school factoids.

Via Edsurge: “Which US States Are Most 'Future Ready' For Digital Learning?” (Wherein being “Future Ready” means signing a pledge. Cool story, bro.)

“Parents Spending Less on Back-to-School Season Despite Growing Lists of Supplies,” The New York Times reports, based on data from the National Retail Federation.

Via Education Week: “Chromebooks Command Close to Half of K–12 Computing Market, Analyst Says.”

Bryan Alexander says that “Most campuses still refuse to recognize faculty using technology.” His observation is based on “a new EDUCAUSE Review article by Kenneth Green, looking back at years of work carried out by his Campus Computing Project.”

“US education is a $1.5 trillion industry and growing at 5 percent annually,” says McKinsey.

Rankings, Schmankings

Teachers aren’t dumb.” A NYT op-ed. So there's that, I guess.

Ed-Tech Might Make Things Worse... So Now What?


The OECD released a “first-of-its-kind” report earlier this week on computers and education, eliciting – as all of its PISA-related reports tend to do – precisely the responses you’d suspect: a lot of “schools are doing it wrong.”

There’s always a fair amount of handwringing about PISA scores, as though the performance of a country’s 15 year-olds on this assessment is indicative of – or hell, the final word on – the strength or weakness of its school system. The interpretation of PISA scores tends to suffer from confirmation bias, simply affirming pre-existing beliefs about education policies and practices. And of course, PISA scores also provide the media with an opportunity to craft scary headlines about an impending doom of dumb.

In some ways, this week’s report on computers’ effect on learning (or rather, their effect on PISA test scores) is no different, even though it targets a core of modern education mythology: that more technology is more better. There’s the predictable Nicholas Carr-ish response– “see? the Internet is making us dumber”; and there’s the predictable response from ed-tech industry boosters as well, that “it’s not technology’s fault; schools just don’t know how to use tech correctly.”

And then there’s the clickbait – a sample of the headlines:

From The Irish Times: “Lack of computers in schools may be a blessing - OECD report

From the BBC: “Computers ‘do not improve’ pupil results, says OECD

From The Register: “Don’t bother buying computers for schools, says OECD report

From CNBC: “Schools wasting money on computers for kids: OECD

From The Age: “Are iPads in schools a waste of money? OECD report says yes

From Bloomberg: “Computers Look Like an Obstacle to Learning

The OECD report is – no surprise weighing in at 200+ pages – a lot more nuanced than these headlines give credit. But its conclusions are, nonetheless, pretty stark:

…Even where computers are used in the classroom, their impact on student performance is mixed at best. Students who use computers moderately at school tend to have somewhat better learning outcomes than students who use computers rarely. But students who use computers very frequently at school do a lot worse in most learning outcomes, even after accounting for social background and student demographics.

The results also show no appreciable improvements in student achievement in reading, mathematics, or science in the countries that had invested heavily in ICT for education. And perhaps the most disappointing finding of the report is that technology is of little help in bridging the skills divide between advantaged and disadvantaged students.

Indeed, technology might actually make things worse, particularly for disadvantaged students, in part because of the type of tech and how it’s used in their classrooms. The OECD report found, for example, that “drilling” software has a negative effect on performance (that is, to be clear again, performance on the PISA). And yet this type of software, and more broadly computer-based math instruction, is much more commonly used for disadvantaged students.

Much of the press coverage of the OECD’s report latched on to the finding that “overexposure” to technology leads to poor academic performance (as well as to lower levels of well-being). But again, it’s worth asking what that technology usage actually involves. What are students doing when they’re “using computers” in the classroom? Are they“using computers” or is it, rather, that their teachers are? That phrase – “using computers in the classroom” – can mean a lot of things after all. “Using computers” how and “using computers” to what end – that is, what are the goals of increasing the amount of tech in the classroom? (A recent Education Week headline might give us a clue: “Chromebooks’ Rise in U.S. K–12 Schools Fueled by Online Testing.” Simply put: is increased tech usage a reflection of increased testing?)

“One interpretation of these findings,” the report’s executive summary reads, “is that it takes educators time and effort to learn how to use technology in education while staying firmly focused on student learning.” Yes, that is one interpretation, one that fits neatly into a narrative that teachers and schools have failed to “innovate.” But rather than allow the burden of addressing ed-tech’s “effectiveness” to be shifted to educators, let’s ask too why so much of ed-tech remains crap – exploitative and punitive crap that is well-funded by venture capitalists and heavily promoted by ed-tech enthusiasts, I might add. Ed-tech that, as this OECD report suggests, likely makes things worse. We cannot shrug and say “it’s not the technology’s fault.” Because what if it is?

“We expect schools to educate our children to become critical consumers of Internet services and electronic media,” the OECD report says, “helping them to make informed choices and avoid harmful behaviours.” But I think expecting schools to educate children to become consumers is a flawed approach to technology from the very start. (It’s one that surely enriches the ed-tech industry, who by all accounts are the ones most clearly benefitting from widespread adoption of tech in the classroom.) This is a flawed approach to education too, I’d argue – this notion that knowledge is something delivered either by teacher or machine and in turn consumed by students. If there is any agency in this equation at all, it’s the agency to buy, not the agency to build. Most ed-tech has done very little to support students’ agency as creators – not just as creators with digital technology but creators of digital technology.

But the same can be said, unfortunately, for most classrooms, with or without computers. Students are objects in the education system, shaped and molded by institutional and societal expectations. Framing students as “consumers” posits that the only place they gain subject status is when we reduce “learning” to a transaction – and in particular to an exchange of money or, increasingly, of personal data. And if that is the framework guiding ed-tech (its present and its future), it should be no surprise that the results will be profoundly unjust.

To its credit, the OECD report does make the following policy recommendation: “Improve equity in education first.”

In most countries, differences in computer access between advantaged and disadvantaged students shrank between 2009 and 2012; in no country did the gap widen. But results from the PISA computer-based tests show that once the so-called “first digital divide” (access to computers) is bridged, the remaining difference, between socio-economic groups, in the ability to use ICT tools for learning is largely, if not entirely, explained by the difference observed in more traditional academic abilities. So to reduce inequalities in the ability to benefit from digital tools, countries need to improve equity in education first. Ensuring that every child attains a baseline level of proficiency in reading and mathematics will do more to create equal opportunities in a digital world than can be achieved by expanding or subsidising access to high-tech devices and services. (emphasis added)

It’s easy to dismiss the OECD report because it draws so heavily on the PISA framework – although no doubt that’s a good reason to be critical of “what counts” here as “learning outcomes.” And surely there are benefits to computers beyond what PISA can measure. But can we articulate what those are? And can we articulate what those are without using meaningless cliches like “innovation” and “collaboration” and “future ready”?

I confess, I’ve grown pretty tired of the response that “we must” use tech. It’s a surrender, too often and again, to this idea that we are required to interact, to connect, to think deeply through the confines of a certain kind of technology, of a certain kind of economic and social and institutional arrangement – as consumers of tech, and as the product itself.

Despite the insistence that digital technologies are “the future” and as such must be incorporated somehow into the classroom, “the future” remains an unknown. We cannot say with any certainty that “the future” will include any of the technologies that we use today. Ten, twenty, thirty years from now, we might not have “Google” or “YouTube” or “Blackboard” or even “the World Wide Web” – we certainly will not in their current form. There is no inevitability to technology nor to the direction that “technological progress” might take.

And education technology in and of itself is surely not progressive.

Hack Education Weekly News



Jared Keller on Ahmed Mohamed's experiences and “The Criminalization of the American Schoolyard”:

The simple facts of the case surrounding the 14-year-old student’s arrest are infuriating. [Ahmed] Mohamed, a ninth-grader at Irving MacArthur High School in Irving, Texas, loved to tinker with electronics. One evening, he built a clock from circuit boards and wiring, which he stashed in a pencil case. On Tuesday, he showed his creation to his teachers. His engineering instructor praised the design; the English teacher thought it was a bomb. Mohamed was handcuffed by police officers and interrogated for hours. No charges were filed.

More via WaPo, Alan Levine, The Dallas Morning News, POTUS, Sylvia Martinez, Will Richardson, and Wired.

How to Make Your Own Homemade Clock That Isn’t a Bomb.”

The outpouring of support for Ahmed Mohamed was truly wonderful to see. But I think it's important that we call out the injustice of the school-to-prison pipeline as it affects all students, particularly students of color, not just those students who are science whizzes.

Education Politics

The Obama Administration announced that it’s making a change to FAFSA, starting in the fall of next year. Applicants will be asked to provide the prior prior year’s tax information, rather than the prior year’s.

The Obama Administration also unveiled its new “college scorecard.” I’ve put the round-up of responses below under “Data and ‘Research’.”

Seattle teachers have reached a tentative agreement with their school district, NPR reports, ending their week-long strike.

Manitoba announced an Open Textbook Initiative, that will create a library of free and openly licensed textbooks for the province’s most highly enrolled college classes.

NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio announced a ten-year deadline for all schools in the city to offer computer science (although CS won’t be a graduation requirement). Zeynep Tufekci’s response: “How de Blasio Should Expand Computer Science Education (Hint: Don't Arrest Ninth Graders Showing the Way).”

Inside Higher Ed looks at coding boot camps, including General Assembly, which have gone through various state regulatory approval processes.

Education in the Courts

A federal appeals court has ruled that copyright holders must consider fair use before sending DMCA takedown notices.

Testing, Testing…

Cornell College and Rivier University announced they are dropping the ACT/SAT requirements for admissions. Nobel Prize winner Malala Yousafzai will, however, be required to take the SAT if she applies to Stanford.

Via The New York Times: “New York Will Trim Common Core Exams After Many Students Skipped Them.”

“California charter school scores dive,” the San Jose Mercury News reports.


Groundbreaking discovery from MOOC researchers: “In Online Courses, Students Learn More by Doing Than by Watching.” Wow. Who’d have thunk it.

Udacity Says It Can Teach Tech Skills to Millions, and Fast.” The latest argument for the MOOC revolution: “upskilling.”

Coursera has three new partners: Tomsk State University, National Research Nuclear University, and Novosibirsk State University.

Via Inside Higher Ed: “EVersity, the University of Arkansas System’s fully online institution that launched last week, now has its first applicants and a ‘preferred content provider’ in Cengage Learning.”

Yale is moving forward with its online physician assistant program, which it had to pause earlier this year due to accreditation issues.

Meanwhile on Campus

The Open University says it will close seven regional centers centres.

“The entire Japanese public university system attempts a massive queen sacrifice,” writes Bryan Alexander. The education minister has called on colleges there to scrap all social science and humanities departments.

Harvard’s Spee Club will admit women and its Hasty Pudding Theatricals will allow women to perform on stage. Wow, the innovation.

Delta State University assistant professor Ethan Schmidt was shot and killed by another professor.

The Kilton Public Library in New Hampshire has voted to continue to support the Tor network. (Tor makes Internet browsing anonymous.) The Department of Homeland Security and local police had warned the library that running the relay would facilitate crime.

School Nurses Stock Drug To Reverse Opioid Overdoses.”

AltSchool, a private school startup, says it plans to expand to Manhattan next year.

Did you really read the syllabus? A test.

Go Ducks.

Go, School Sports Team!

Via The New York Times: “High School Football Inc” – a look at private, for-profit schools that focus on sports.

The NCAA is considering loosening the rule that prevents student athletes from using their name and likeness to make money.

UT athletic director Steve Patterson has been fired.

From the HR Department

The Department of Education’s Office of Ed-Tech has hired Andy Marcinek to be “the first ever open education adviser to lead a national effort to expand schools’ access to high-quality, openly-licensed learning resources.”

Via WaPo: “The number of black public school teachers in nine cities - including the country's three largest school districts - dropped between 2002 and 2012, raising questions about whether those school systems are doing enough to maintain a diverse teaching corps,” according to research from the Albert Shanker Institute.

Walter Isaacson has apparently turned down the job as the new Librarian of Congress.

Desmos continues to hire super smart math folks – this time, Christopher Danielson.

Stanford Business School dean Garth Saloner is stepping down. Quartz details the drama.

Houston Independent School District superintendent Terry Grier announced his resignation.

Upgrades and Downgrades

Librarian David Lee King writes about his experiences with the learn-to-code startup Treehouse, which has changed how its subscription model works. His library has a subscription, but the startup apparently emailed patrons that they’d need to pay too. I don’t say this often, but read the comments.

Target plans to end its Take Charge of Education program, which gives a small percentage of purchases to schools.

Starting soon: you can buy a .college domain for all your edupreneurial needs. There’s no requirement you be an actual college! Whee!

Funding and Acquisitions

Microsoft announced that it will give $75 million to non-profits that promote computer science education.

Laurene Powell Jobs’s venture philanthropy organization, the Emerson Collective, is running a campaign called the XQ: The Super School Project– an attempt to get folks to “rethink high school.” 5 of the “best” ideas will receive a share of the $50 million Jobs has earmarked for the project. (Other edu-related investments of the Emerson Collective include AltSchool to give you an idea what its notion of “best ideas” might look like.)

LearnZillion has raised $13 million from DCM Ventures, Owl Ventures, and 11 other investors. The company, which creates Common Core-aligned curriculum, has raised $22.4 million total.

LearnUp has raised $8 million from Shasta Ventures, New Enterprise Associates, Floodgate, Greylock Partners, and High Line Venture Partners. The startup, which has raised $9.9 million total, is a job-training platform to place people in entry-level jobs.

Test prep company CL Educate has acquired a 51% stake in Accendere, Business Standard reports.

Data, Privacy, and Surveillance

Gawker on “exam-time spyware software” ProctorTrack: “Students Wonder When Creepy-As Hell App That Watches Them During Exams Plans on Deleting Their Data.” (The answer: once the media picks up on the story.)

Via pogowasright.org: “Is Google’s signing of the Student Privacy Pledge meaningful at all?” (Trick question. Is any company’s?)

Via the LA School Report: “While LA Unified may still be struggling to integrate its iPads and other digital devices into the classroom, its police department has found a few useful things to do with theirs.” (That is, monitoring schools for “vulnerabilities.”)

Via Bill Fitzgerald: “MySchoolBucks, or Getting Lunch with a Side of Targeted Advertising.”

Data and “Research”

Many thoughts on the new “College Scorecard”: The news, as reported by Inside Higher Ed, The Chronicle of Higher Education, Vox. And the analysis: Via Mindwire Consulting’s Phil Hill: “17% Of Community Colleges Are Not Included In College Scorecard” and “College Scorecard Problem Gets Worse: One in three associate's degree institutions are not included.” “What Actual High Schoolers Think of the New College Scorecard.” Actual high schoolers! The head of the University of Phoenix is unhappy with what the scorecard says about his school. Shocking. The best advice, no surprise, comes from UW education professor Sara Goldrick-Rab: “College Scorecard: For Analysis Not Action.”

The New York Times has released its own dataset, “The College Access Index,” which purports to measure economic diversity at universities.

The OECD has released a report on computers and education, which finds – no big surprise – that ed-tech isn’t really all that. (My response is here.)

Via NPR, a look at research on computer science and early childhood education.

From Mathematica Policy Research: “Understanding the Effect of KIPP as it Scales.”

Graduate Enrollment and Degrees: 2004 to 2014

The latest from Pew Research Center on “Libraries at the Crossroads.”

Are College Lectures Unfair?

“Disruptive innovation” is a myth. Pretty sure I’ve said that before. But hey, who’s keeping track. And now there’s an academic paper that backs up our call that applying the phrase to everything under the sun is mostly bullshit: “Disruption is real but rare, King and Baatartogtokh conclude, which suggests that it’s at best a marginally useful explanation of how innovation happens.”

Hack Education Weekly News


Education Politics

The LA Times’ Howard Blume broke a story this week about the Broad Foundation’s “ambitious $490-million plan to place half of the city’s students into charter schools over the next eight years, a controversial gambit that backers hope will serve as a catalyst for the rest of the nation.”

The document cites numerous foundations and individuals who could be tapped for funding. In addition to the Broad Foundation, the list includes the Gates, Bloomberg, Annenberg and Hewlett foundations. Among the billionaires cited as potential donors are Stewart and Lynda Resnick, major producers of mandarin oranges, pistachios and pomegranates; Irvine Co. head Donald Bren; entertainment mogul David Geffen; and Tesla Motors’ Elon Musk.

“Who’s Funding Kevin Johnson’s Secret Government?” asks Deadspin. The former NBA star, now mayor of Sacramento, California and husband to former DC schools chancellor Michelle Rhee, is “just the sort of politician a lot of people want to believe, and a lot of people have done so.” Johnson has weathered several scandals. The latest “involves the mayor replacing civil servants with private citizens funded by the Wal-Mart empire and tasked with the twin purposes of working to abolish public education and bring in piles of cash for Kevin Johnson.” (The latest latest: “‘I’m A Grown-Up Now’: The Teen Who Accused Kevin Johnson Of Sexual Abuse Speaks Out.”)

PopeWatch 2015 (which has prompted a lot of coverage this week about Catholic education in the US).

Politico profiles US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan.

How America’s smallest cabinet department became a mass of unkillable pet projects. A POLITICO investigation.”

Meanwhile, the Department of Education has released a (competency-based-education) CBE Experiment Reference Guide.

The Department of Education also announced it had reached an agreement with the University of Virginia after an investigation into its responses to sexual violence on campus. UVA was found to have filed to comply with Title IX.

Teachers unions were among those cheering with Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker suspended his presidential campaign.

Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has criticized presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ college plan. Hers, she boasted, would make low-income students work for aid – "skin in the game" or something. And echoes of the punitive “welfare reform” of her husband.

Testing, Testing…

Florida has closed its investigation into the DDOS attack that shut down its online testing system earlier this year. It found no motive and no leads. More via Education Week.


Students in MOOCs self-report MOOCs work. 87% said they felt MOOCs benefited their career. (Just 33% said there were tangible career benefits.) 88% said there were educational benefits. (Just 18% said there were tangible educational benefits.) The study, based on 52K Coursera students, is framed by Coursera thusly: “Coursera Study Shows Positive Career and Educational Outcomes for Learners.” Via The Chronicle of Higher Education: “What the Results of a Survey of Coursera Students Mean for Online Learning.”

“Udacity Sets Up First Overseas Shop in India,” says Edsurge. (It’s not clear what this “shop” entails.) Here’s the company’s blog post.

Via Bryan Alexander: “More humanities seminars online, and they’re not MOOCs.”

Via Jonathan Rees: “How do you build a respectable all-online US History survey class?, Part I.”

Fortune is teaming up with Cornell University for an online business certificate. Sounds legit – certainly as legit as the partnership between Wired and USC and Forbes and Ashford University.

Via Politico: “Virtual schools are booming. Who’s paying attention?”

“Why My Kids Finished Their MOOC – When Most Adults Don’t,” charter school investor Alex Hernandez writes in Edsurge.

Meanwhile on Campus

Via Inside Higher Ed: “Nearly one-quarter of female undergraduate students who responded to a survey created by the Association of American Universities said they have experienced a sexual assault of some kind since enrolling in college.”

Venture-capital backed, ed-tech-as-surveillance-but-we’ll-call-it-personalization private school AltSchool plans to expand to Chicago. Great quote by founder and former Googler Max Ventilla: “Personalized education does not mean kids just doing what they want. In fact, quite the opposite.”

"Introduction to Computing and Programming" is now the most popular course in Yale College. The materials and lectures mostly come from Harvard’s class of the same name, just with a Yale TA.

Via The Seattle Times: “Seattle School Board halts suspensions for elementary students” (who commit certain non-violent offenses).

Meanwhile in Utah: “Native American 2nd grader kicked out of class for traditional Mohawk haircut.”

Via The Guardian: “School questioned Muslim pupil about Isis after discussion on eco-activism.” Elsewhere in the UK: “Student accused of being a terrorist for reading book on terrorism.”

Marquette University has rescinded Bill Cosby’s honorary degree.

From the HR Department

Via The Chronicle of Higher Education: “The newly appointed University of Iowa president, J. Bruce Harreld, met in private with several members of the state’s Board of Regents in July, the day before the application deadline for the position, according to emails The Chronicle has obtained through an open-records request.”

Trustees at the State College of Florida have “ voted to end the continuous contract system and initiate one-year contracts for all newly hired faculty members,” Inside Higher Ed reports.

Via The Atlantic: “The College President-to-Adjunct Pay Ratio.”

ISTE has named Jim Flanagan its new chief learning officer. Flanagan was previously the National Director of Sales at Amplify, News Corp's failed ed-tech business.

Upgrades and Downgrades

The University of Maryland University College will spin out into a startup its data analytics platform, to be called HelioCampus. MindWire Consulting’s Phil Hill says “it is part of a growing trend for universities to act as ed-tech startup.” I’m not sure this is really a new thing, however as the history of ed-tech is full of these endeavors. TurnItIn. Computer Curriculum Corporation. PLATO. Carnegie Learning. WebCT. And on and on and on.

GitHub has released Classroom for GitHub, which lets educators use the code repository tool for assignments. More viaWired.

Via Education Week: “A technology company called Shindig is challenging school districts and other education entities to be the first to deliver 1 million hours of online professional development to teachers on the company’s platform, and win $100,000 for their organization.”

The Chronicle of Higher Education looks at a new feature on Academia.edu that lets researchers post papers “in progress” and solicit feedback from others.

LittleBits launches littleBits Education, “a new line of educational products aimed at bringing its child-friendly modular electronics components to schools and libraries,” says Education Week, which wonders “Are 1-to–1 ‘Maker Space’ Tools the Next K–12 Trend?” Here’s the trend I’d identify: “making” being co-opted by other ed policy pushes. eg. “Building Connections Between Maker Ed and Standards” – sponsored content from littleBits on Edsurge.

Edsurge profiles Camelback Ventures, an incubator that “caters to entrepreneurs of color and women.”

The New York Times profiles Clever, a startup that helps schools move student data to the various software they utilize.

The winner of the latest Google Science Fair: 16-year-old Oliva Hallisey who created a cheap test for Ebola.

Edsurge notes that the NHL is creating a STEM-themed online course on the topic of hockey, run by the ed-tech company EverFi. The least diverse of the big four professional sports? Should be great for increasing diversity in STEM!

Print is not dead. And The New York Times is on it.

Funding and Acquisitions

MasteryConnect has raised $5 million from Zuckerberg Education Ventures. The assessment startup has raised $29.1 million total.

Portfolium has raised $1.2 million in funding from University Ventures, Seed San Diego, and Vertical Venture Partners. The e-portfolio startup has raised $2.1 million total.

Cengate Learning has acquired Learning Objects, which is the name of a company not the name of a lousy idea from 90s ed-tech. Terms were not disclosed.

Tutoring company TAL Education has acquired tutoring company FirstLeap. Terms were not disclosed.

Gutenberg Technology has acquired Neodemia. The former is an educational publishing tool; the latter helps university create MOOCs. Terms were not disclosed.

Data, Privacy, and Surveillance

The industry-backed Future of Privacy Forum released the results (PDF) of a survey it conducted, asking parents their thoughts on tech, data, and privacy. Here’s how Edsurge framed the results: “New Survey Shows That Parents Support Using Data in Schools – But Don’t Understand Laws.” I don't understand many things about this survey, but there you go...

“Sensitive personal information about millions of students is at risk because British Columbia’s Ministry of Education has misplaced a hard drive containing documents that were stored without a fundamental safety measure: data encryption,” The Globe and Mail reports. “The serious security breach includes student records detailing not just exam results but in some cases custody orders and files documenting substance abuse and mental-health issues.” This doesn’t just raise questions about the security of student data, but should also prompt us to ask why does the Ministry of Education collect all this information in the first place.

The data of 3000 students at Central New Mexico Community College has been compromised.

“A child monitoring phone app funded by the South Korean government has major security flaws,” the BBC reports.

Data and “Research”

Lots of questions about this “research” on what Wisconsin professors think about tenure.

Stanford education professor Larry Cuban on the recent OECD report on education and tech: Parts 1 and 2.

Breaking news: conservative colleges that purposefully do not report data to the federal government do not show up in the federal government’s data on colleges.

“Most Widely Known Online Educational Resources Not Most Effective, According to OpenEd Analysis of Data From 200,000 Teachers,” says the press release. (Lots of questions about the methodology here.)

A study to be published in CBE - Life Science Education has found that the flipped classroom (that is, videotaped lectures as homework and more hands-on activities in class) is beneficial for women and students with low grades.

Via The New York Times: “Education Gap Between Rich and Poor Is Growing Wider.”

Via Education Week: “Preschool participation among 4-year-olds nationwide is higher than typically thought, and so universal preschool expansion efforts are misguided, according to a new Brookings Institution analysis.”

A Pearson-solicited poll has found that college students prefer laptops to tablets. Nonetheless, as Campus Technology highlights, “83 percent of all college students said they believe tablets will transform the way students learn in the future.” LOL okay. The poll also found that K–12 students are using tablets more (80% of elementary students, 70% of middle school students, and almost 50% of high school students). Here’s the broken link to the survey results.

Via The New York Times: “An artificial intelligence software program capable of seeing and reading has for the first time answered geometry questions from the SAT at the level of an average 11th grader.”

From Deans for Impact, a summary of cognitive science research – or what some peddle as the “science of learning.”

Via The Chronicle of Higher Education: “Faculty Members See Promise in Unified Way to Measure Student Learning.” One test to measure it all. Mmmhmmm.

Imagine if schoolteachers and college professors were immediately able to identify how each of their students learns, what learning style works best for each child and what new topics he or she is struggling with.” IMAGINE IF ED-TECH JOURNALISTS ASKED CRITICAL QUESTIONS AND DIDN’T JUST RE-WRITE PR.

Hack Education Weekly News


Education Politics

US Secretary of Education Arne Duncan announced that he will step down in December. (President Obama will reportedly nominate John King as his replacement.)

Earlier in the week, Duncan proposed a “prison-to-school pipeline,” reducing the number of people incarcerated for non-violent crimes and using the money saved for pay raises for teachers in high poverty schools.

The Department of Education will give $157 million to create new charter schools, “despite criticisms by its inspector general in the past that the agency has done a poor job of overseeing federal dollars sent to charter schools.” (Meanwhile, “Why Don’t Suburbanites Want Charter Schools?”)

Will the rewrite of No Child Left Behind get derailed now that John Boehner has announced his resignation?

The Department of Education extended a NCLB waiver to LAUSD.

Via Inside Higher Ed: “Congress Lets Perkins Loan Program Lapse.”

Via Education Week: “Wyoming could become one of the first states to institute broad protections for students unwilling to give school officials access to their social media accounts. The proposal, which made its way through the state Task Force on Digital Information Privacy, now sits before the state’s joint education committee.”

The surprising things Seattle teachers won for students by striking”: a guarantee of a daily, 30 minute recess for all elementary school students.

Education in the Courts

Via Inside Higher Ed: “The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Wednesday upheld a lower court’s opinion that National Collegiate Athletic Association rules to limit what college athletes can be paid violate antitrust laws. But the appeals court also tossed out a federal judge's requirement that the NCAA allow athletes to receive deferred compensation of up to $5,000 per year.” More on the decision via The Chronicle of Higher Education and The New York Times.

A federal judge has ruled that “students who experience traumatic events while growing up in poor, turbulent neighborhoods could be considered disabled,” NPR reports. The ruling comes as part of a class action lawsuit against the Compton School District. (The judge also denied the plaintiffs’ request for class action status.)

“Seattle will take several steps to make the ed-tech used in its schools accessible to blind students, faculty, and parents, in the settlement of a lawsuit brought against the district by Noel Nightingale and her co-plaintiff, the National Federation of the Blind,” reports Education Week. A statement from the National Federation:

This landmark agreement with the Seattle Public Schools should serve as a model for the nation and should put school districts on notice that we can no longer wait to have equal education for blind students and to have access to information, use of school services, and full participation in school activities by blind faculty, personnel, and parents

Via the Southern Poverty Law Center: “A federal judge in Alabama has found that the Birmingham Police Department violated the constitutional rights of students in public schools by using pepper spray to deal with minor discipline problems and by failing to ensure that children were decontaminated afterward.”

The Kansas Court of Appeals reversed the expulsion of Navid Yeasin, a University of Kansas student expelled for tweets he made about his ex-girlfriend.

Via The Oregonian: “A federal jury awarded a former University of Oregon public safety officer $755,000 Friday after finding that UO Police Chief Carolyn McDermed and a top lieutenant retaliated against the young officer for blowing the whistle on department wrongdoing.” (For those unfamiliar with this case, this involves the campus police department’s “extensive ‘eat a bowl of dicks’ list." Go Ducks.

A federal judge tossed out a lawsuit – Bain v California Teachers Association– a lawsuit backed by the ed reform group StudentsFirst, that would have hindered teachers’ unions from raising money for political activities.


Via The Chronicle of Higher Education: “A Year After Starbucks Offered Tuition Discounts at Arizona State, Who's Enrolling?” Spoiler alert: about 3700 employees, far fewer than the enrollment projects of 15,000.

How to Take a Class From Serena Williams and Usher.”

Meanwhile on Campus

A shooter killed 10 people and injured 7 more at Umpqua Community College in Roseburg, Oregon. “Mass shootings since Sandy Hook, in one map.”

The LA Times’ Joy Resmovits looks at the student loan default rates at Umpqua CC, some of the highest in the country, noting that “The grief on the campus in light of Thursday’s violence puts added pressure on a college where resources are slim and the kind of counseling available to students in wealthier schools is harder to come by.”

The Rise of Law Enforcement on College Campuses.”

Admissions Revolution,” reads the Inside Higher Ed headline. The change involves a push, by some 80 colleges and universities, for a portfolio platform for high schoolers to begin to showcase their work. It also marks a move away from the Common Application.

Lots of publications wrote about the London Acorn School this week. The school bans media and technology – at school and at home. The Guardian. Quartz. The Telegraph. No technology but great marketing, I guess.

Via KPCC: “LAUSD board to vote on $6.4 million settlement proposal with Apple over iPad software.” Meanwhile, “LAUSD hunting down the last 500 missing computer devices.”

Brown University has rescinded the honorary degree it gave Bill Cosby.

Go, School Sports Team!

The NCAA has suspended Southern Methodist University’s men’s basketball coach for nine games and banned the team from postseason play.

Via The New York Times: “As Worries Rise and Players Flee, a Missouri School Board Cuts Football.”

Upgrades and Downgrades

The end of an era: OCLC has printed its last library catalog card.

The 2015 MacArthur Fellows.

Via Fortune: “Here’s why MakerBot is putting 3D printers in schools.”

Google Virtual-Reality System Aims to Enliven Education,” says The New York Times. Educational videos, but on your face. Pretty enlivening, man.

Remember Your Old Graphing Calculator? It Still Costs a Fortune – Here’s Why.”

Via Techcrunch’s Sarah Perez: “YouTube Addresses Complaints About Inappropriate Content In Updated YouTube Kids App.”

Via Education Week: “Teach to One, Ed Tech Instruction Model, Grows to 28 Schools Nationwide.”

Newegg is entering the textbook market, says The Digital Reader. (Wow, Newegg is still around?!)

Funding and Acquisitions

News Corp has sold its education division Amplify to Amplify’s management team including Joel Klein. Terms of the deal were not disclosed (but I bet it was less than the $360 million that News Corp spent to buy Wireless Generation back in 2010). Earlier in the week Amplify fired about 40% of its staff.

A record-setting round of funding for Social Finance: $1 billion. The company specializes in refinancing student loans and was already the largest investment in ed-tech of the year, having raised $200 million in January. This round was led by Soft Bank and brings the total raised by SoFi to $1.77 billion.

General Assembly has raised $70 million from Advance Publications, Wellington Capital Management LLP, IVP, Learn Capital, Maveron, Rethink Education, WTI, and others. The startup, which offers on- and offline courses in tech and entrepreneurship, has raised $119.5 million total.

Civitas Learning has raised $60 million from Warburg Pincus. The data analytics company has raised $89.95 million total.

Math software maker Origo has raised $11.2 million from Blue Sky Funds.

Credible, another student loan refinancing company, has raised $10 million from Soul Htite, Ron Suber, and Scott Langmack. The startup has raised $12.7 million total.

ZeeMee has raised $5.8 million from Blue Run Ventures. The startup offers a “social media college application platform” and has raised $6.8 million total.

Skilljar has raised $2.6 million from Trilogy Equity Partners. The corporate LMS provider has raised $4.92 million total.

Online tutoring company Savvy has raised $1.7 million in seed funding from Partech Ventures, LearnCapital, Fresco Capital, and Metatron Worldwide.

Coding school Hack Reactor has reorganized – its new name for its umbrella company, Hack Reactor Core – and has acquired iOS bootcamp Mobile Makers Academy.

Principled Technologies has acquired Weejee Learning.

College Raptor and PowerSchool have merged.

Investment analysis from CB Insights (“Seed-Stage Ed Tech Startups Are Moving More Slowly To Their Series A Rounds”) and from Matt Candler (“The 3 stages of education investing we’re ignoring”).

Data, Privacy, and Surveillance

Via Education Week: “Microsoft’s Windows 10 Scrutinized for Privacy Controls.”

Via ComputerWorld: “Lenovo collects usage data on ThinkPad, ThinkCentre and ThinkStation PCs.”

Another cyberattack cripples Rutgers networks.”

Data and “Research”

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

“Closure rates of small colleges and universities will triple in the coming years, and mergers will double,” Inside Higher Ed reports. “Those are the predictions of a Moody’s Investor Service report released Friday that highlights a persistent inability among small colleges to increase revenue, which could lead as many as 15 institutions a year to shut their doors for good by 2017.”

The latest from the Pew Research Center: “Teens, Technology and Romantic Relationships.”

The student loan default rate has dropped to 11.8%. (The default rate for those who take out loans for community college is at 20.6%.)

Via Ars Technica: “Study: Racially charged hate crimes go up as broadband expands.”

Via Inside Higher Ed: “Just half of college alumni ‘strongly agree’ that their education was worth what they paid for it, according to the newest data from an ongoing Gallup-Purdue University study of college graduates.”

Via NPR: “Admitting Dropouts Were Miscounted, Chicago Lowers Graduation Rates.” I’m sure now that Arne Duncan is heading back to Chicago, things’ll be grrrrrreat.

Minimum Viable Ed-Tech: The VR Edition


An excerpt from this week’s Hack Education Weekly Newsletter

Highly recommended: tweet something trollish before you get on a plane for 10+ hours. (e.g. this tweet.) How many people will take advantage of your Internet silence to mansplain ed-tech to you?

Anyway, Mattel has a new View-Master that uses Google Cardboard. The history of the future of toys, or something. That Google Cardboard = View-Master should perhaps maybe possibly give you pause about how AMAZING Google Cardboard is. But nope. Hype and revolution. Same as it ever was…

More thoughts…

See, here’s the thing. I realize that Mattel’s new View-Master is appealing for the sake of nostalgia. My grandparents had an early stereoscope at their house, and it was always one of my favorite toys – the slides were fascinating because, unlike the content of the classic red View-Master I had myself, these were not full-color images of Disneyland or Disney movies. They were black-and-white scenes from from the early 1900s – I was utterly fascinated by the furniture, the costumes, the poses.

I suppose I spent a fair number of hours with one or other of these pressed to my face. But I would never call the View-Master “VR.” Yes, there’s a distortion that makes the images appear to be three-dimensional. But I’ve always imagined that “VR” meant a more immersive experience than that. The emphasis, if you will, should be on the “reality” not simply on the “virtual.”

Seriously, can you imagine if a teacher said “my students looked at pictures of Verona through the View-Master and now they have a better understanding of Romeo and Juliet”? We’d scoff, wouldn’t we? Yet that’s precisely the crap I’m hearing about Google Cardboard.

Oh, I realize that Google Cardboard seems to have impressed a lot of folks in ed-tech. But that’s a low bar. Look at Google Docs and Google Spreadsheets, for example: their big selling point – besides being free – is that they don’t have all the bells and whistles of the more bloated Microsoft Office. It’s “minimum viable productivity software.” Looks at the Google Chromebook. It’s a “minimum viable laptop.” (Let's pause and consider here what we really mean by "viable" - what gets lost.)

Similarly, you could call Google Cardboard “minimum viable virtual reality.” Here are the necessary components, which Google boasts you can assemble yourself for about $20: a piece of cardboard, 45 mm focal length lenses, magnets, Velcro, a rubber band, an optional NFC tag, and an Android phone.

The “virtual reality” offered by Google Cardboard comes via the display of a smartphone phone, distorted by those 45 mm lenses. The “virtual reality” offered by Google Expeditions, the special field trip lessons created by Google, are “panoramas,” according to the Google blog: “360° photo spheres, 3D images and video, ambient sounds – annotated with details, points of interest, and questions that make them easy to integrate into curriculum already used in schools.”

They’re videos, people. They’re photographs. The view is just held up to each student’s face rather than projected at the front of the screen. Yes, some special VR apps are being developed for Android, but the limitations of this system are pretty clear. This is no Oculus Rift, which is rumored to retail for around $350 when it eventually hits the market. Google Cardboard runs on a smartphone.

I’ve already written about how I think Google Expeditions will be just another example of how ed-tech furthers inequality. Actual, real field trips are already on decline, particularly for low-income students. And actual, real field trips really do have a lasting educational impact – one that watching a film via a device strapped on your face just can’t rival.

I’ve heard a lot lately that “no one is arguing that virtual field trips will replace field trips.” Yeah. Bullshit. Field trips have already been excised from the school day to make way for other things – more test-prep, more testing via computer, for starters. But there’s something else that Google Cardboard is going to replace too: these cheap Google Expeditions – and this flawed argument that that counts as “virtual reality” – are likely going to prevent (or at least slow) more immersive VR experiences from ever entering schools too. Why pay for that when you can convince yourself that the 21st century version of the View-Master count as VR?

Hack Education Weekly News


Education Politics

Education history Sherman Dorn and doctoral student Amanda Potterton on Arne Duncan’s legacy. Education Week on Duncan’s ed-tech legacy. Politico on Duncan’s replacement, John King.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is investigating Wells Fargo over its student loan servicing practices, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Eva Moskowitz, the founder of the Success Academy charter school chain, said she was going to make a major political announcement this week. It turned out to be a non-announcement announcement: she’s not running for mayor of NYC, she says.

“The U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Inspector General has pumped the brakes on competency-based education, partially due to concerns about the level of interaction between instructors and students in some of those programs,” Inside Higher Ed reports.

These states spend more on prisons than colleges.” (Saved you a click: Michigan, Oregon, Arizona, Vermont, Colorado, Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Delaware, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut.)

“Marco Rubio Wants to Be the Tech Industry’s Savior,” says Wired.

Education in the Courts

Via the AP: “The former CEO of Chicago Public Schools will plead guilty in an indictment that alleges she was involved in a scheme to steer $20 million worth of no-bid contracts to education companies in exchange for bribes and kickbacks, her attorney said Thursday.”

Via The Guardian: “The personal data of Europeans held in America by online tech corporations is not safe from US government snooping, the European court of justice has ruled, in a landmark verdict that hits Facebook, Google, Amazon and many others. The Luxembourg-based court declared the EU-US ‘safe harbour’ rules regulating firms’ retention of Europeans’ data in the US to be invalid….”

Testing, Testing…

Test Scores Under Common Core Show That ‘Proficient’ Varies by State,” NYT’s Motoko Rich reports.

UMass Lowell will no longer require that applicants submit their SAT or ACT scores.


Via The Chronicle of Higher Education: “MIT Unveils ‘MicroMaster’s,’ Allowing Students to Get Half Their Degree From MOOCs.” (That is, a master’s degree in supply chain management.)

Also via The Chronicle: “Can Online Education Help Refugees Earn Degrees?

The University of Michigan, a founder partner of Coursera, “will ramp up its online presence via a new partnership with edX,” says Education Dive.

The University of Exeter will be the first UK university to partner with Pearson to offer online classes.

Meanwhile on Campus

Purdue University deleted the video of a presentation given by Barton Gellman at a colloquium because three of Gellman’s slides contained classified information leaked by Edward Snowden.

Lynn University is partnering with General Assembly to offer a 15 credit “study abroad” program facilitated by the coding school.

The University of Phoenix has been barred from recruiting on military bases, says The Wall Street Journal, and troops will not be able to use federal money to pay for classes at the school.

Via District Administration: “Of the 2,000 high school students in Albemarle County Public Schools, only 25 requested lockers last school year, as more students carry their devices and books in backpacks.” Instead of lockers: charging stations.

Go, School Sports Team!

How Video Games Are Becoming University-Approved Sports.”

From the HR Department

Why I Was Fired” by Steven Salaita.

Michael Horn is leaving the Clayton Christensen Institute.

Humanities Majors’ Salaries.”

Via Boing Boing: “‘The only 3D printing company anyone’s heard of,’ MakerBot, is laying off 20 percent of its staff for the second time in the last six months.” (Just last week, Edsurge reported the company was shifting its focus to schools. Ominous.)

Upgrades and Downgrades

McGraw-Hill says it will update its geography textbook that, in a chapter on immigration, refers to slaves as “workers.”

The Gates Foundation held an event this week where Bill and Melinda (et al) talked about how they’ve spent $3 billion on education and how they plan to use their riches to shape the future of education. Here’s Education Week’s coverage and Edsurge’s live-tweets.

Via Al Jazeera: “Schoolchildren in the UK who search for words such as ‘caliphate’ and the names of Muslim political activists on classroom computers risk being flagged as potential supporters of terrorism by monitoring software being marketed to teachers to help them spot students at risk of radicalisation. The ‘radicalisation keywords’ library has been developed by the software company Impero as an add-on to its existing Education Pro digital classroom management tool to help schools comply with new duties requiring them to monitor children for ‘extremism’, as part of the government’s Prevent counterterrorism strategy.”

“How will Disney use technology to captivate the children of the future?” asks The New York Times. Um, neuroscience and data collection by the looks of the startups participating in its new accelerator program.

Via Ars Technica: “More than any other American company, Apple holds $181.1 billion in offshore accounts, according to a Tuesday report released by Citizens for Tax Justice, an advocacy group. Other major American tech firms – including Cisco, Google, Hewlett-Packard, and Oracle – are among the largest companies that are using legal but questionable tax tricks to keep money overseas and effectively pay little to no American federal corporate taxes.”

New Google Parent Company Drops ‘Don't Be Evil’ Motto.”

Funding and Acquisitions

MacArthur Spins Off Digital Media & Learning Work with $25 Million Seed Investment.”

Newsela has raised $15 million from Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Zuckerberg Education Ventures, the Knight Foundation, Owl Ventures, and Women’s Venture Capital Fund. The startup, which offers news articles at different reading levels, has raised $22.16 million total.

CampusLogic has raised $7.5 million from Continental Investors, Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation, University Ventures, Select Venture Partners, and Peak Venture Capital. The financial aid startup has raised $7.75 million total.

Aceable has raised $4.7 million to offer online drivers’ ed. Investors include Silverton Partners, Capital Factory, Floodgate Ventures, and NextGen Angels.

Corporate e-learning platform Velpic has raised $4 million from Baillieu Holst, Sanlam Private Wealth, Alignment Capital, Shaw and Partners, and Tony Gandel.

Picmonic has raised $2.3 million from 2M Companies of Texas, Tallwave Capital of Arizona, Arizona Tech Investors, Desert Angels, and Matt Pittinsky. The mnemonic platform has raised $4.95 million total.

The world’s biggest for-profit college,” Laureate Education has filed for an IPO (again). It also says it’s becoming a public benefit corporation. (Related: “The rise of the covert for-profit college.”)

Workday has acquired Media Core.

Consolidation Hits Library Tech Market,” Inside Higher Ed observes, as “ProQuest will acquire Ex Libris, which provides technology solutions for libraries, and Bibliotecha will take over 3M’s library division.”

Data and “Research”

According to Ambient Insight, “2015 Edtech Investment Spikes to $3.76 Billion in First Three Quarters.”

Via The New York Times: “Nearly two-thirds of the top 71 investment funds have no women as senior investment team members, according to the data compiled by the Social and Capital Partnership and the Information, a news site. Roughly 30 percent of those funds have a senior investment team that is composed entirely of white members.”

From the Pew Research Center: Social Media Usage 2005–2015.

Via the BBC: “The Economic and Social Research Council-funded project examined computer use in 2,000 families with one or more tablet computers – and found that 31% of under-fives had their own device.”

Via Stanford University professor Larry Cuban: “Data-Driven Teaching Practices: Rhetoric and Reality.”

Intellectual arrogance is linked to better grades, according to a study published in the Journal of Research in Personality.

Technology Imperialism, the Californian Ideology, and the Future of Higher Education


This keynote was delivered today at ICDE 2015 in Sun City, South Africa. The slides can also be found on Speakerdeck.

The obnoxious American: I am the one who flies all the way to South Africa, to an international education conference, to talk about the future of ed-tech as imagined, as invested in, as narrated by America. I apologize. My intention is to invert the script that I hear drawn upon so often from education technology entrepreneurs who talk about “Africa” – code, I think, for “new markets.” I do want to explore the origins of the ed-tech industry’s drive for “new markets.” But really I want this morning to talk about ideas, stories about the future – from California specifically, from Silicon Valley.

What I hope to make explicit today is how much California – the place, the concept, “the dream machine” – shapes (wants to shape) the future of technology and the future of education.

According to my driver’s license, I am a Californian, although not by birth. I grew up in Wyoming and in England, neither of which share much in common – politically, culturally, geographically, economically – with Los Angeles, where I live today.

I never ever imagined this would be my life: a writer about education technology, invited to speak here in South Africa. In Sun City. And I never ever imagined I would live in LA.

I love LA.

See: Los Angeles is a lot like the Internet. That makes it fascinating for a writer, an ethnographer. Los Angeles is full of strange and creative people. And it’s all about performance. It’s not so much fake people or plastic people or artificial enhancements (although there’s plenty of that). But it is, as Jean Baudrillard suggested, “hyperreal.” It’s about the imagination and the reinvention of the self. It is an utterly American but specifically Californian prospect. Los Angeles, that is. As with “the Internet.”

The first two nodes of what would eventually become ARPANET (which in turn would eventually become “the Internet”) were connected in California in 1969 – from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) to SRI International in Menlo Park – from Hollywood to Silicon Valley.

The infrastructure and the ideology of the Internet remain quite Californian.

In 2013, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced a new organization called Internet.org, a partnership between Facebook and six telecommunications companies and phone manufacturers that would attempt to bring Internet access to the some 5 billion people on the planet who do not currently have it. In an announcement on Facebook – of course – Zuckerberg argued that “connectivity is a human right.”

As Zuckerberg frames it at least, the “human right” in this case is participation in the global economy. He writes that

The world economy is going through a massive transition right now. The knowledge economy is the future. By bringing everyone online, we’ll not only improve billions of lives, but we’ll also improve our own as we benefit from the ideas and productivity they contribute to the world. Giving everyone the opportunity to connect is the foundation for enabling the knowledge economy.

This is a revealing definition of “human rights,” I’d argue, particularly as it’s one that never addresses things like liberty, equality, or justice. It never addresses freedom of expression or freedom of assembly or freedom of association.

“Connectivity,” one might argue, is a shorthand for all that. “The opportunity to connect” as a human right assumes that “connectivity” will hasten the advent of these other rights, I suppose – that the Internet will topple dictatorships, for example, that it will extend participation in civic life to everyone and, for our purposes here at this conference, that it will “democratize education.”

Technology critic Evgeny Morozov has described this belief as “Internet-centrism,” an ideology he argues permeates the tech industry, its PR wing the tech blogosphere, and increasingly government policy and thus our public and our private lives. “Internet-centrism” describes the tendency to see “the Internet” – Morozov uses quotations around the phrase – as a new yet unchanging, autonomous, benevolent, and inevitable socio-technological development. “The Internet” is a master framework for how all institutions will supposedly operate moving forward. “The Internet” will purportedly change everything. “The Internet” will fix everything.

Of course, when Mark Zuckerberg talks about connectivity, he’s not necessarily talking about “The Internet” as commonly imagined or historically implemented. He’s talking about Facebook. Indeed, Zuckerberg’s Internet.org organization has come under fire for precisely this: several Indian companies have backed out of the initiative, claiming that it violates net neutrality, that is, the concept that all Internet traffic should be treated equally and that all users should have the same experience when they go online. Internet.org privileges certain traffic – those paying to be part of the platform – restricting access to sites not approved by Facebook. As the founder of one of India’s largest “mobile wallet” companies argues, “it’s poor Internet for poor people.”

Researchers have found too that in certain countries, a number of people say they do not use the Internet yet they talk about how much time they spend on Facebook. According to one survey, 11% of Indonesians who said they used Facebook also said they did not use the Internet. A survey in Nigeria had similar results: 9% of Facebook users there said they do not use the Internet.

In other words, Facebook is“the Internet” for a fairly sizable number of people. They know nothing else – conceptually, experientially. And, let’s be honest, Facebook wants to be “the Internet” for everyone.

This matters greatly for those of us in education technology in several ways (and not simply because Internet.org has partnered with edX to offer free online education). Facebook is really just synecdochal here, I should add – just one example of the forces I think are at play, politically, economically, technologically, culturally. These forces matter at the level of infrastructure, technological infrastructure: who controls the networks, who controls the servers, who controls our personal devices, who controls the software that’s installed on them?

And it matters at the level of ideology. Infrastructure is ideological, of course. The new infrastructure – “the Internet” if you will – has a particular political, economic, and cultural bent to it. It is not neutral. Some of this is built upon old infrastructure. In the United States, for example, networks are layered upon networks: waterways provided the outline onto which we mapped the railroads. Railroads provided the outline onto which we mapped the telegraph. The telegraph for the telephone. The telephone for the Internet. Transportation of people, products, ideas across time and space.

And then there’s the satellite, a technology whose history is not so much about the conquest of geography as it is the conquest of space – the Cold War and control of weapons and communications. (Just last week, The New York Times told us that “Facebook will beam the Internet to Africa via Satellite.” A closer look reveals just some online services will be made available to just some African countries – in other words, free data for access Facebook for about a fourth of the continent.)

This infrastructure matters. In this case, this is a French satellite company (Eutelsat). This is an American social network (Facebook). Mark Zuckerberg’s altruistic rhetoric aside, this is their plan – an economic plan – to monetize the world’s poor. The content and the form of “connectivity” perpetuate imperialism, and not only in Africa but in all of our lives. Imperialism at the level of infrastructure – not just cultural imperialism but technological imperialism. And as always, imperialism as ideology. Empire is not simply an endeavor of the nation-state – we have empire through technology (that’s not new) and now, the technology industry as empire.

Mark Zuckerberg is not from California, of course. He was born in White Plains, New York. He attended the elite boarding school Philips Exeter Academy before being accepted into Harvard University, where he famously built a site called “Facemash” which would let students pick who they thought was the best looking person from a choice of pictures taken from the university’s “Face Books,” books containing the names and photos of everyone in the dorms.

He dropped out of school in his sophomore year.

He moved to Silicon Valley.

“The Silicon Valley Narrative,” as I call it, is the story that the technology industry tells about the world – not only the world-as-is but the world-as-Silicon-Valley-wants-it-to-be.

This narrative has several commonly used tropes. It often features a hero: the technology entrepreneur. Smart. Independent. Bold. Risk-taking. White. Male. “The Silicon Valley narrative” invokes themes like “innovation” and “disruption.” It privileges the new; everything else that can be deemed “old” is viewed as obsolete. Things are perpetually in need of an upgrade. It contends that its workings are meritocratic: anyone who hustles can make it. “The Silicon Valley Narrative” has no memory, no history, although it can invent or invoke one to suit its purposes. (“The factory model of education” is one such invented history that I’ve written about before.) “The Silicon Valley narrative” fosters a distrust of institutions – the government, the university. It is neoliberal. It hates paying taxes. “The Silicon Valley narrative” draws from the work of Ayn Rand; it privileges the individual at all costs; it calls this “personalization.”

“The Silicon Valley narrative” does not neatly co-exist with public education. We forget this at our peril. This makes education technology, specifically, an incredibly fraught area.

Me, I am unswayed by the arguments that we’re on the cusp of some sort of techno-utopia where all our problems are about to be solved by “connectivity.”

Here’s the story I think we like to hear about ed-tech, about distance education, about “connectivity” and learning: Education technology is supportive, not exploitative. Education technology opens, not forecloses, opportunities. Education technology is driven by a rethinking of teaching and learning, not expanding markets or empire. Education technology meets individual and institutional and community goals.

That’s not really what the “Silicon Valley narrative” says about education – sometimes it does, I suppose when it wants to appeal to us as consumers; rather that’s not all that Silicon Valley really does. It is interested in data extraction and monetization and standardization and scale. It is interested in markets and return on investment. “Education is broken,” and technology will fix it. It’s an old and tired refrain, but it’s a refrain nonetheless, repeated over and over. It’s a core theme in the “Silicon Valley narrative.”

Sticklers about geography will readily point out that the Silicon Valley isn’t the most accurate descriptor for the locus of today’s booming tech sector. Silicon Valley is just one part of the San Francisco Bay area – the Santa Clara Valley. The Santa Clara Valley’s county seat and the locus of Silicon Valley (historically at least) is San Jose, not San Francisco, where many startups are increasingly located today. Silicon Valley does include Mountain View, where Google is headquartered. It includes Cupertino, where Apple is headquartered. It includes Palo Alto, home to Stanford University, founded in 1885 by railroad tycoon Leland Stanford – remember what I said about new networks built on top of old networks?

The term “silicon” refers to the silicon-based integrated circuits that were developed and manufactured in the area. But the term “Silicon Valley” now extends to all of the high tech industry, beyond just the chip makers.

As the phrase has come to encompass a broader swath of the tech sector, “Silicon Valley” might no longer be adequate, simply for geographical reasons alone (that is, it’s not where all the tech startups or their investors reside). And the phrase surely obscures the international scope of the operations of the technology industry – tax havens in Ireland, manufacturing in China, and so on.

The “Silicon Valley narrative” obscures, erases – let’s keep that in mind.

If “Silicon Valley” isn’t quite accurate, then I must admit that the word “narrative” is probably inadequate too. Yes, I’m particularly interested in the stories we tell about technology – its past, present, and future. I am interested in the ways in which our discursive practices shape the way we move through the world – what we build, what we buy.

The better term here is “ideology.”

To better analyze and assess both technology and education technology requires our understanding of these as ideological, argues Neil Selwyn – “‘a site of social struggle’ through which hegemonic positions are developed, legitimated, reproduced and challenged.”

We tend not to see education technology as ideological. (No doubt, we largely fail to scrutinize the ideology of education as well.) We do not recognize the ways in which education technology can, as Selwyn argues, “accommodate … agendas (from the countercultural to the commercial) with little sense of incompatibility or conflict.” We tend to not see technology as ideological – its connections to libertarianism, neoliberalism, global capitalism, empire.

Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron were remarkably prescient in their 1995 essay “The Californian Ideology” (penned just 6 years after the creation of the World Wide Web). Apologies for quoting at length:

At the end of the twentieth century, the long predicted convergence of the media, computing and telecommunications into hypermedia is finally happening. … At this crucial juncture, a loose alliance of writers, hackers, capitalists and artists from the West Coast of the USA have succeeded in defining a heterogeneous orthodoxy for the coming information age: the Californian Ideology.

This new faith has emerged from a bizarre fusion of the cultural bohemianism of San Francisco with the hi-tech industries of Silicon Valley. Promoted in magazines, books, TV programmes, websites, newsgroups and Net conferences, the Californian Ideology promiscuously combines the free-wheeling spirit of the hippies and the entrepreneurial zeal of the yuppies. This amalgamation of opposites has been achieved through a profound faith in the emancipatory potential of the new information technologies. In the digital utopia, everybody will be both hip and rich. Not surprisingly, this optimistic vision of the future has been enthusiastically embraced by computer nerds, slacker students, innovative capitalists, social activists, trendy academics, futurist bureaucrats and opportunistic politicians across the USA. As usual, Europeans have not been slow in copying the latest fad from America. While a recent EU Commission report recommends following the Californian free market model for building the information superhighway, cutting-edge artists and academics eagerly imitate the post human philosophers of the West Coast’s Extropian cult. With no obvious rivals, the triumph of the Californian Ideology appears to be complete.

The widespread appeal of these West Coast ideologues isn’t simply the result of their infectious optimism. Above all, they are passionate advocates of what appears to be an impeccably libertarian form of politics – they want information technologies to be used to create a new ‘Jeffersonian democracy’ where all individuals will be able to express themselves freely within cyberspace. However, by championing this seemingly admirable ideal, these techno-boosters are at the same time reproducing some of the most atavistic features of American society, especially those derived from the bitter legacy of slavery. Their utopian vision of California depends upon a willful blindness towards the other – much less positive – features of life on the West Coast: racism, poverty and environmental degradation. Ironically, in the not too distant past, the intellectuals and artists of the Bay Area were passionately concerned about these issues.

California. California as the promised land, the end-of-the-road of the US’s westward expansion, the fulfillment of Manifest Destiny, colonization upon colonization, the gold rush, the construction of an invented palm-tree paradise.

California includes geographically – ideologically – both Hollywood and Silicon Valley. California is media plus technology, both of which readily export their products (and narratives and ideologies) globally. California: the center of a new computer and communications empire and the center of the old media empire too. The power Hollywood has yet to be displaced, despite all the talk of disruption you hear from Silicon Valley.

California also produces two-thirds of the United States’ produce. Over a third of the nation’s farmworkers work in California; 95% of them were born outside the US. The California ideology ignores race and labor and the water supply; it is sustained by air and fantasy. It is built upon white supremacy and imperialism.

As is the technology sector, which has its own history, of course, in warfare and cryptography.

Another story from California, one specifically this time about higher education:

It may be that “the beginning of the end of public higher education as we know it” has its roots in an earlier development well before investors and tech entrepreneurs started predicting that we were only a couple of decades away from having only 10 universities in the world, thanks to their MOOCs. The beginning of the end, say Aaron Bady and Mike Konczal: the governorship of Ronald Reagan in the late 1960s, who then vowed he would “clean up that mess in Berkeley.”

At the time, the state had already developed what historian Kenneth Starr has called a “utopia for higher education.” The pinnacle arguably: The Master Plan for Higher Education, signed into law in 1960. The plan was, in essence, a commitment to provide all Californians with access to higher education, something that’s been, as Tressie McMillan Cottom points out in her work, a cornerstone of how Americans have viewed class mobility. The Master Plan was meant to offer three avenues for access to college, a tripartite system where the top 12.5% of high school graduates in the state could attend one of the campuses of the University of California – at Berkeley, for example, or LA – tuition-free. The top one-third were guaranteed a spot at one of the campuses of the California State University system – Cal State, San Francisco State, and so on. Community colleges in the state would accept any students “capable of benefiting from instruction” – that is, both new high school graduates and “non-traditional” students. Upon graduation from community college, those students could then transfer to any Cal State or UC campus in order to finish their Bachelor’s Degree. As Bady and Konczal write,

In theory and to a significant extent in practice, anyone from anywhere in California could, if they worked hard enough, get a bachelor’s degree from one of the best universities in the country (and, therefore, in the world), almost free of charge. The pronounced social and economic mobility of the postwar period would have been unthinkable without institutions of mass higher education, like this one, provided at public expense.

When Reagan took office as Governor of California in 1967, he made it clear: public expenses would be curbed, particularly in the university system. “There are certain intellectual luxuries that perhaps we could do without,” he told reporters. Taxpayers, he said, should not be “subsidizing intellectual curiosity.” The purpose of college, in other words, was not to offer what we’ve long construed as a liberal arts education; the purpose of higher education: to learn “job skills.”

The tech industry is just the latest to latch onto this argument. “Everyone should learn to code,” we now hear.

And as the state of California – and elsewhere – has withdrawn its financial commitment to free or subsidized public higher education, who has stepped in to meet the demands? The for-profit sector.

And the tech industry is latching onto this market as well.

So far this year, some $3.76 billion of venture capital has been invested in education technology – a record-setting figure. That money will change the landscape – that’s its intention. That money carries with it a story about the future; it carries with it an ideology.

One final story about California:

I want to show you this map, a proposal – a failed proposal, thankfully – by venture capitalist Tim Draper to split the state of California into six separate states: Jefferson, North California, Silicon Valley, Central California, West California, and South California. The proposal, which Draper tried to collect enough signatures to get on the ballot in California, would have created the richest state in the US – Silicon Valley would be first in per-capita income. It would also have created the nation’s poorest state, Central California, which would rank even below Mississippi.

Tim Draper is not a particularly active VC in education technology. But he is the founder of Draper University of Heroes, an unaccredited for-profit venture that teaches “innovation” and “entrepreneurship” – a “7-week immersive program to inspire and train heroes,” according to the website. “Heroes” who will pay $10,000 so they can be tech startup founders.

Draper University is also the subject of a reality TV show. Because California.

Tim Draper’s (unconstitutional) plan to split up the state of California would have completely reshaped American politics. It failed, but I think it underscores the sort of transformative vision – “the Silicon Valley narrative,” the “Californian Ideology” – that the tech industry has. This vision is not simply about “the virtual world.”

We in education would be naive, I think, to think that the designs that venture capitalists and technology entrepreneurs have for us would be any less radical than creating a new state, like Draper’s proposed state of Silicon Valley, that would enormously wealthy and politically powerful.

When I hear talk of “unbundling” in education – one of the latest gerunds you’ll hear venture capitalists and ed-tech entrepreneurs invoke, meaning the disassembling of institutions into products and services – I can’t help but think of the “unbundling” that Draper wished to do to my state: carving up land and resources, shifting tax revenue and tax burdens, creating new markets, privatizing public institutions, redistributing power and doing so explicitly not in the service of equity or justice.

Echoes of imperialism. Imperialism’s latest form.

That is the ideology.

It’s our responsibility to recognize that it offers a powerful story.

When a venture capitalist says that “software is eating the world,” we can push back on the inevitability implied in that. We can resist – not in the name of clinging to “the old” as those in educational institutions are so often accused of doing – but we can resist in the name of freedom and justice and a future that isn’t dictated by the wealthiest white men in Hollywood or Silicon Valley.

This need not be our “dream machine,” this invented California, this California invention.

We can do better. We must.

Hack Education Weekly News


Education Politics

“Every few weeks, it seems, a new investigation is launched into one of the larger for-profit colleges in the country,” Inside Higher Ed reports. And yet… And yet: the US Department of Education just announced it will allow federal financial aid to be used for “alternative education providers,” including MOOCs and coding bootcamps. Although the Obama Administration has cracked down on for-profit universities, it seems more than happy to fund a new revenue stream for for-profits: the outsourcing of instruction to tech startups. Ted Mitchell, Under Secretary of Education and former venture capitalist at New School Venture Fund, announced the pilot program. More via Edsurge. Meanwhile, as The New York Times observes, “For-Profit Colleges Accused of Fraud Still Receive U.S. Funds.”

“The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is seeking information from a national accreditor about the for-profit colleges it oversees, which include several controversial chains,” writes Inside Higher Ed. “The Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools received the civil investigative demand from the CFPB in August. It is unclear whether the council, which is the largest national accreditor, is the target of an investigation, or whether the request is linked to another probe.”

The US Department of Education announced it will publish data on chronic absenteeism in schools, according to Edsurge, “in hopes of giving them the insights (and the public shaming) to do something about it.”

The Democratic presidential candidates held their first debate. Bryan Alexander has the run-down on what they said about education.

Via Michigan Live: “The governor’s office confirmed Thursday that the FBI is investigating the 15-school, state-run education reform district in Detroit, noting that it was an internal review that led to the probe.”

California governor Jerry Brown signed a bill that abolishes the state’s high school exit exam and will award diplomas to thousands who failed the exam as far back as 2004 but had completed all their high school classes.

Before he left office last month, Australia’s education minister Christopher Pyne approved a new curriculum that made the teaching of programming central. No longer will students be required to learn history or geography.

Education in the Courts

Barbara Byrd-Bennett, the former head of Chicago Public Schools pled guilty for “her role in a scheme to steer $23 million in no-bid contracts to education firms for $2.3 million in bribes and kickbacks.” She will serve 7.5 years in jail. More of the contracts she approved during her tenure are now under scrutiny.

Via the LA School Report: “Following up on a months-long threat, high-profile attorney Mark Geragos today slapped LA Unified with a class action lawsuit, calling for an end to the practice of ‘teacher jails’ and asking for more than $1 billion in damages. The suit was filed in state superior court on behalf of Rafe Esquith, a well-known teacher….” (More on Esquith below.)

Via The Atlantic: “How California’s Largest School District Blamed an 8th Grader for Her Rape.”

Pearson has reached a settlement with LAUSD to the tune of $6.45 million – a reimbursement for the flawed vaporware curriculum that was to come pre-installed on iPads.

Via Reuters: “Apple Inc. could be facing up to $862 million in damages after a U.S. jury on Tuesday found the company used technology owned by the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s licensing arm without permission in chips found in many of its iPhones and iPads.”

Former speaker of the House Dennis Hastert has pled guilty “in a case in which he is accused of skirting banking laws and lying to the federal investigators,” says The New York Times. The case involves hush money paid by Hastert over allegations of sexual misconduct with a male student with Hastert was a high school teacher in Illinois.


Via Inside Higher Ed: colleges explain why they “double-dipped” with MOOC providers.

Via the Coursera blog: “Will all courses now have start dates and deadlines? No and yes.”

Meanwhile on Campus

School shootings at Northern Arizona University, Texas Southern University, and Tennessee State University. (Roger Schank’s response: “Stop school shootings. Get rid of school.” University of Baltimore professor Jeffrey Ian Ross’s response: more campus security systems.)

A black bear roamed the halls of Bozeman High School in Montana.

“Fraternities Hire Trent Lott To Lobby For Limiting Campus Sexual Assault Investigations,” says The Huffington Post.

The New York Times examines new sex ed classes in California: “With Gov. Jerry Brown's signature on a bill this month, California became the first state to require that all high school health education classes give lessons on affirmative consent.”

Go, School Sports Team!

“UCLA football player is suspended indefinitely following arrest in rape case,” according to The LA Times.

Via the Minneapolis Star Tribune: “University of Minnesota football players accused of sexual assault, harassment and retaliation.”

Via NPR: “University of Louisville is investigating claims that a former staffer hired escorts to have sex with basketball players and recruits.”

USC has fired its head football coach, Steve Sarkisian, after he appeared to be intoxicated at a game.

An LSU football player will auction his jersey and donate the proceeds to charity, despite NCAA rules that prohibit players from making money doing this type of thing. “That the NCAA will allow Fournette's auction means that college officials have either long interpreted those rules incorrectly, that the NCAA is making an exception for the running back or that the association is beginning to soften its rules,” Inside Higher Ed notes.

Via Inside Higher Ed: “The University of Oregon’s new ‘pioneer-themed’ athletics uniforms celebrate a ‘history of genocidal violence, ethnic cleansing and exclusion of nonwhites,’ a coalition of Native faculty, staff and students said in an open letter this week. The uniforms, unveiled by Nike earlier this month, are inspired by the travels of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark and feature the explorers and a map of the Oregon Trail.”

From the HR Department

Award-winning LAUSD teacher Rafe Esquith has been fired by the district’s board, “following a misconduct investigation that included allegations he made an improper joke to students and inappropriately touched minors.”

UC Berkeley astronomy professor Geoff Marcy has resigned following a Buzzfeed story about a university investigation into Marcy’s repeated sexual harassment of female students. The university has been criticized for its response as “a number of astronomers across academe asked why the university hadn’t been tougher on him.”

UC Berkeley math lecturer Alexander Coward will not have his contract renewed. Coward, a popular and apparently quite effective instructor, wrote about the school’s decision on his blog. More via Inside Higher Ed.

Brice Harris, the chancellor of the California Community College system, announced his retirement.

Academic Freedom Fail” is the headline on the controversies at UBC surrounding the resignation of its president.

Upgrades and Downgrades

“Disney Fulfills All Your Childhood Dreams with Augmented Reality Coloring Books,” says Edsurge. (I think we had very very different childhood dreams, for what it’s worth.)

Yes, I did say that Knewton is ‘selling snake oil’,” says Michael Feldstein.

According to Education Week, the State Educational Technology Directors Association (SETDA) has created a database “with details about how each state, Guam, and the Mariana Islands approaches the procurement of digital education resources.”


Instructure has filed for an IPO.

Data and “Research”

A forthcoming paper in the Journal of Academic Ethics– “BB&T, Atlas Shrugged and the Ethics of Corporation Influence on College Curricula” – on the influence of the holding company BB&T which demands schools teach the works of Ayn Rand.

“Would assigned seating during exams curb cheating?” is the Education Dive headline about an algorithm that purports to identify potential cheaters.

Via the Shanker Institute: “The Role Of Teacher Diversity In Reducing Implicit Bias.”

“More than half of the world’s countries have failed to achieve gender parity in education for girls in primary and secondary schools,” according to UNESCO.

Why Do Rich Kids Do Better Than Poor Kids in School? It’s Not the ‘Word Gap.’

According to the US Census Bureau, women are more likely than men to have a bachelor’s degree.

Bryan Alexander examines the latest Allstate/National Journal Heartland Monitor Poll: “Americans look at education and are not too pleased.”

The 2015 Inside Higher Ed Survey of Faculty Attitudes on Technology.

State of the US Higher Education LMS Market: 2015 Edition.

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